In order to start signing PDF documents you need to configure certificate(s)
to use in your company.

* Go to ``Settings > Companies > Companies > Your company``
* Go to ``Report configuration`` tab
* Click ``Edit``
* Add a new item in ``PDF report certificates`` list
* Click ``Create``
* Set name, certificate file, password file and model
* Optionally you can set a domain and filename pattern for saving as attachment

For example, if you want to sign only customer invoices in open or paid state:

* Model: ``account.invoice``
* Domain: ``[('type','=','out_invoice'), ('state', 'in', ('open', 'paid'))]``
* Save as attachment: ``(object.number or '').replace('/','_') + '.signed.pdf'``

**Note**: Linux user that executes Odoo server process must have
read access to certificate file and password file

Java Memory Settings

If you are signing large amounts of reports at the same time, or if you have a
lower worker memory size than the JVM defaults, you may need to tune the JVM
heap memory limits. Do so by adding a ``$JVM_ARGS`` environment variable that
contains the required flags. Check out these links too:

- `StackOverflow answer <>`_.
- `Java docs <>`_.