In order to start signing PDF documents you need to configure certificate(s) to use in your company. * Go to ``Settings > Companies > Companies > Your company`` * Go to ``Report configuration`` tab * Click ``Edit`` * Add a new item in ``PDF report certificates`` list * Click ``Create`` * Set name, certificate file, password file and model * Optionally you can set a domain and filename pattern for saving as attachment For example, if you want to sign only customer invoices in open or paid state: * Model: ``account.invoice`` * Domain: ``[('type','=','out_invoice'), ('state', 'in', ('open', 'paid'))]`` * Save as attachment: ``(object.number or '').replace('/','_') + '.signed.pdf'`` **Note**: Linux user that executes Odoo server process must have read access to certificate file and password file Java Memory Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are signing large amounts of reports at the same time, or if you have a lower worker memory size than the JVM defaults, you may need to tune the JVM heap memory limits. Do so by adding a ``$JVM_ARGS`` environment variable that contains the required flags. Check out these links too: - `StackOverflow answer <>`_. - `Java docs <>`_.