The templating language is `extensively documented <>`_, the records are exposed in libreoffice as ``objects``, on which you can also call functions. Available functions and objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ user Browse record of current user lang The user's company's language as string (ISO code) b64decode ``base64.b64decode`` format_multiline_value(string) Generate the ODF equivalent of ``<br/>`` and `` `` for multiline fields (ODF is XML internally, so those would be skipped otherwise) html_sanitize(string) Sanitize HTML string time Python's ``time`` module display_address(partner) Return a formatted string of the partner's address o_format_lang(value, lang_code=False, digits=None, grouping=True, monetary=False, dp=False, currency_obj=False, no_break_space=True) Return a formatted numeric or monetary value according to the context language and timezone o_format_date(value, lang_code=False, date_format=False) Return a formatted date or time value according to the context language and timezone Sample report templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sample py3o report templates for the main Odoo native reports (invoice, sale order, purchase order, picking, etc.) are available on the Github project `odoo-py3o-report-templates <>`_.