OCA reporting engine fork for dev and update.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3.8 KiB

# Copyright 2020 Creu Blanca
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
from odoo import api, fields, models
import ast
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
class KpiKpi(models.Model):
_name = "kpi.kpi"
_description = "Kpi Kpi"
name = fields.Char(required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
cron_id = fields.Many2one("ir.cron", readonly=True, copy=False)
computation_method = fields.Selection(
[("function", "Function"), ("code", "Code")], required=True
value = fields.Serialized()
dashboard_item_ids = fields.One2many("kpi.dashboard.item", inverse_name="kpi_id")
model_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model",)
function = fields.Char()
args = fields.Char()
kwargs = fields.Char()
widget = fields.Selection(
[("number", "Number"), ("meter", "Meter"), ("graph", "Graph")],
value_last_update = fields.Datetime(readonly=True)
prefix = fields.Char()
suffix = fields.Char()
action_ids = fields.One2many(
help="Actions that can be opened from the KPI"
code = fields.Text("Code")
def _cron_vals(self):
return {
"name": self.name,
"model_id": self.env.ref("kpi_dashboard.model_kpi_kpi").id,
"interval_number": 1,
"interval_type": "hours",
"state": "code",
"code": "model.browse(%s).compute()" % self.id,
"active": True,
def compute(self):
for record in self:
return True
def _compute(self):
"value": getattr(
self, "_compute_value_%s" % self.computation_method
notifications = []
for dashboard_item in self.dashboard_item_ids:
channel = "kpi_dashboard_%s" % dashboard_item.dashboard_id.id
notifications.append([channel, dashboard_item._read_dashboard()])
if notifications:
def _compute_value_function(self):
obj = self
if self.model_id:
obj = self.env[self.model_id.model]
args = ast.literal_eval(self.args or "[]")
kwargs = ast.literal_eval(self.kwargs or "{}")
return getattr(obj, self.function)(*args, **kwargs)
def generate_cron(self):
self.cron_id = self.env["ir.cron"].create(self._cron_vals())
def write(self, vals):
if "value" in vals:
vals["value_last_update"] = fields.Datetime.now()
return super().write(vals)
def _get_code_input_dict(self):
return {
"self": self,
"model": self,
def _compute_value_code(self):
results = self._get_code_input_dict()
safe_eval(self.code or "", results, mode="exec", nocopy=True)
return results.get("result", {})
class KpiKpiAction(models.Model):
_name = 'kpi.kpi.action'
_description = 'KPI action'
kpi_id = fields.Many2one('kpi.kpi', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
action = fields.Reference(
selection=[('ir.actions.report', 'ir.actions.report'),
('ir.actions.act_window', 'ir.actions.act_window'),
('ir.actions.act_url', 'ir.actions.act_url'),
('ir.actions.server', 'ir.actions.server'),
('ir.actions.client', 'ir.actions.client')],
def read_dashboard(self):
result = []
for r in self:
'id': r.action.id,
'type': r.action._name,
'name': r.action.name
return result