OCA reporting engine fork for dev and update.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

239 lines
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# Copyright 2015-2019 Onestein (<https://www.onestein.eu>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import api, models, registry
def dict_for_field(field):
return {
'id': field.id,
'name': field.name,
'description': field.field_description,
'type': field.ttype,
'relation': field.relation,
'custom': False,
'model_id': field.model_id.id,
'model': field.model_id.model,
'model_name': field.model_id.name
def dict_for_model(model):
return {
'id': model.id,
'name': model.name,
'model': model.model
class IrModel(models.Model):
_inherit = 'ir.model'
def _filter_bi_models(self, model):
def _check_name(model_model):
if model_model in NO_BI_MODELS:
return 1
return 0
def _check_startswith(model_model):
if model_model.startswith('workflow') or \
model_model.startswith('ir.') or \
return 1
return 0
def _check_contains(model_model):
if 'mail' in model_model or \
'report' in model_model or \
'edi.' in model_model:
return 1
return 0
def _check_unknown(model_name):
if model_name == 'Unknown' or '.' in model_name:
return 1
return 0
model_model = model['model']
model_name = model['name']
count_check = 0
count_check += _check_name(model_model)
count_check += _check_startswith(model_model)
count_check += _check_contains(model_model)
count_check += _check_unknown(model_name)
if not count_check:
return self.env['ir.model.access'].check(
model['model'], 'read', False)
return False
def get_model_list(self, model_table_map):
if not model_table_map:
return []
domain = [('model_id', 'in', list(model_table_map.keys())),
('store', '=', True),
('ttype', '=', 'many2one')]
fields = self.env['ir.model.fields'].sudo().search(domain)
model_list = []
for field in fields:
for table_alias in model_table_map[field.model_id.id]:
return model_list
def get_relation_list(self, model_table_map):
if not model_table_map:
return []
model_names = {}
for model in self.sudo().browse(model_table_map.keys()):
model_names.update({model.model: model.id})
domain = [('relation', 'in', list(model_names.keys())),
('store', '=', True),
('ttype', '=', 'many2one')]
fields = self.env['ir.model.fields'].sudo().search(domain)
relation_list = []
for field in fields:
model_id = model_names[field.relation]
for join_node in model_table_map[model_id]:
return relation_list
def _get_related_models_domain(self, model_table_map):
domain = [('transient', '=', False)]
if model_table_map:
model_list = self.get_model_list(model_table_map)
relation_list = self.get_relation_list(model_table_map)
model_ids = [f['model_id'] for f in relation_list + model_list]
model_ids += list(model_table_map.keys())
relations = [f['relation'] for f in model_list]
domain += [
'|', ('id', 'in', model_ids), ('model', 'in', relations)]
return domain
def get_related_models(self, model_table_map):
""" Return list of model dicts for all models that can be
joined with the already selected models.
domain = self._get_related_models_domain(model_table_map)
return self.sudo().search(domain, order='name asc')
def get_models(self, table_model_map=None):
""" Return list of model dicts for all available models.
self = self.with_context(lang=self.env.user.lang)
model_table_map = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in (table_model_map or {}).items():
models = self.get_related_models(model_table_map)
# filter out abstract models (they do not have DB tables)
non_abstract_models = self.env.registry.models.keys()
models = models.filtered(lambda m: m.model in non_abstract_models)
return list(map(dict_for_model, models))
def get_join_nodes(self, field_data, new_field):
""" Return list of field dicts of join nodes
Return all possible join nodes to add new_field to the query
containing model_ids.
def remove_duplicate_nodes(join_nodes):
seen = set()
nodes_list = []
for node in join_nodes:
node_tuple = tuple(node.items())
if node_tuple not in seen:
return nodes_list
self = self.with_context(lang=self.env.user.lang)
keys = []
model_table_map = defaultdict(list)
for field in field_data:
if field.get('join_node', -1) != -1:
keys.append((field['table_alias'], field['id']))
# nodes in current model
existing_aliases = model_table_map[new_field['model_id']]
join_nodes = [{'table_alias': alias} for alias in existing_aliases]
# nodes in past selected models
for field in self.get_model_list(model_table_map):
if new_field['model'] == field['relation']:
if (field['table_alias'], field['id']) not in keys:
# nodes in new model
for field in self.get_relation_list(model_table_map):
if new_field['model_id'] == field['model_id']:
if (field['table_alias'], field['id']) not in keys:
return remove_duplicate_nodes(join_nodes)
def get_fields(self, model_id):
self = self.with_context(lang=self.env.user.lang)
fields = self.env['ir.model.fields'].sudo().search([
('model_id', '=', model_id),
('store', '=', True),
('name', 'not in', models.MAGIC_COLUMNS),
('ttype', 'not in', NO_BI_TTYPES)
], order='field_description desc')
fields_dict = list(map(dict_for_field, fields))
return fields_dict
def create(self, vals):
if self.env.context and self.env.context.get('bve'):
vals['state'] = 'base'
res = super().create(vals)
# this sql update is necessary since a write method here would
# be not working (an orm constraint is restricting the modification
# of the state field while updating ir.model)
q = "UPDATE ir_model SET state = 'manual' WHERE id = %s"
self.env.cr.execute(q, (res.id, ))
# # update registry
if self.env.context.get('bve'):
# setup models; this reloads custom models in registry
# signal that registry has changed
return res