OCA reporting engine fork for dev and update.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
4.1 KiB

odoo.define("kpi_dashboard.AbstractWidget", function (require) {
"use strict";
var Widget = require("web.Widget");
var field_utils = require("web.field_utils");
var time = require("web.time");
var ajax = require("web.ajax");
var registry = require("kpi_dashboard.widget_registry");
var AbstractWidget = Widget.extend({
// Template used by the widget
template: "kpi_dashboard.base_widget",
// Specific css of the widget
cssLibs: [],
// Specific Javascript libraries of the widget
jsLibs: [],
events: {
"click .o_kpi_dashboard_toggle_button": "_onClickToggleButton",
"click .direct_action": "_onClickDirectAction",
init: function (parent, kpi_values) {
this.col = kpi_values.col;
this.row = kpi_values.row;
this.sizex = kpi_values.sizex;
this.sizey = kpi_values.sizey;
this.color = kpi_values.color;
this.values = kpi_values;
this.margin_x = parent.state.specialData.margin_x;
this.margin_y = parent.state.specialData.margin_y;
this.widget_dimension_x = parent.state.specialData.widget_dimension_x;
this.widget_dimension_y = parent.state.specialData.widget_dimension_y;
this.prefix = kpi_values.prefix;
this.suffix = kpi_values.suffix;
this.actions = kpi_values.actions;
this.widget_size_x =
this.widget_dimension_x * this.sizex + (this.sizex - 1) * this.margin_x;
this.widget_size_y =
this.widget_dimension_y * this.sizey + (this.sizey - 1) * this.margin_y;
willStart: function () {
// We need to load the libraries before the start
return $.when(ajax.loadLibs(this), this._super.apply(this, arguments));
start: function () {
var self = this;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function () {
_onClickToggleButton: function (event) {
_fillWidget: function (values) {
// This function fills the widget values
if (this.$el === undefined) return;
var item = this.$el.find('[data-bind="value_last_update_display"]');
if (
item &&
!values.compute_on_fly &&
values.value_last_update !== undefined
) {
var value = field_utils.parse.datetime(values.value_last_update);
.add(this.getSession().getTZOffset(value), "minutes")
var $manage = this.$el.find(".o_kpi_dashboard_manage");
if ($manage && this.showManagePanel(values))
$manage.toggleClass("hidden", false);
showManagePanel: function (values) {
// Hook for extensions
return values.actions !== undefined;
fillWidget: function (values) {
// Specific function that will be changed by specific widget
var value = values.value;
var self = this;
_.each(value, function (val, key) {
var item = self.$el.find("[data-bind=" + key + "]");
if (item) item.text(val);
_onClickDirectAction: function (event) {
var $data = $(event.currentTarget).closest("a");
var action = this.actions[$($data).data("id")];
return this.do_action(action.id, {
additional_context: action.context,
registry.add("abstract", AbstractWidget);
return AbstractWidget;