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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. ##############################################################################
  3. #
  4. # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
  5. # This module copyright (C) 2015 Therp BV (<>).
  6. #
  7. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8. # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
  9. # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
  10. # License, or (at your option) any later version.
  11. #
  12. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  13. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15. # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  16. #
  17. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  18. # along with this program. If not, see <>.
  19. #
  20. ##############################################################################
  21. from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
  22. class TestAuditlog(TransactionCase):
  23. def setUp(self):
  24. super(TestAuditlog, self).setUp()
  25. self.groups_model_id = self.env.ref('base.model_res_groups').id
  26. self.groups_rule = self.env['auditlog.rule'].create({
  27. 'name': 'testrule for groups',
  28. 'model_id': self.groups_model_id,
  29. 'log_read': True,
  30. 'log_create': True,
  31. 'log_write': True,
  32. 'log_unlink': True,
  33. 'state': 'subscribed',
  34. })
  35. def tearDown(self):
  36. self.groups_rule.unlink()
  37. super(TestAuditlog, self).tearDown()
  38. def test_LogCreation(self):
  39. """First test, caching some data."""
  40. auditlog_log = self.env['auditlog.log']
  41. group = self.env['res.groups'].create({
  42. 'name': 'testgroup1',
  43. })
  44. self.assertTrue([
  45. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  46. ('method', '=', 'create'),
  47. ('res_id', '=',,
  48. ]).ensure_one())
  49. group.write({'name': 'Testgroup1'})
  50. self.assertTrue([
  51. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  52. ('method', '=', 'write'),
  53. ('res_id', '=',,
  54. ]).ensure_one())
  55. group.unlink()
  56. self.assertTrue([
  57. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  58. ('method', '=', 'unlink'),
  59. ('res_id', '=',,
  60. ]).ensure_one())
  61. def test_LogCreation2(self):
  62. """Second test, using cached data of the first one."""
  63. auditlog_log = self.env['auditlog.log']
  64. testgroup2 = self.env['res.groups'].create({
  65. 'name': 'testgroup2',
  66. })
  67. self.assertTrue([
  68. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  69. ('method', '=', 'create'),
  70. ('res_id', '=',,
  71. ]).ensure_one())
  72. def test_LogCreation3(self):
  73. """Third test, two groups, the latter being the parent of the former.
  74. Then we remove it right after (with (2, X) tuple) to test the creation
  75. of a 'write' log with a deleted resource (so with no text
  76. representation).
  77. """
  78. auditlog_log = self.env['auditlog.log']
  79. testgroup3 = testgroup3 = self.env['res.groups'].create({
  80. 'name': 'testgroup3',
  81. })
  82. testgroup4 = self.env['res.groups'].create({
  83. 'name': 'testgroup4',
  84. 'implied_ids': [(4,],
  85. })
  86. testgroup4.write({'implied_ids': [(2,]})
  87. self.assertTrue([
  88. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  89. ('method', '=', 'create'),
  90. ('res_id', '=',,
  91. ]).ensure_one())
  92. self.assertTrue([
  93. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  94. ('method', '=', 'create'),
  95. ('res_id', '=',,
  96. ]).ensure_one())
  97. self.assertTrue([
  98. ('model_id', '=', self.groups_model_id),
  99. ('method', '=', 'write'),
  100. ('res_id', '=',,
  101. ]).ensure_one())
  102. def test_LogInheritedField(self):
  103. """Check the log works well when updating an inherited field
  104. (e.g. field 'lang' on 'res.users' inherited from 'res.partner').
  105. """
  106. auditlog_log = self.env['auditlog.log']
  107. users_model_id = self.env.ref('base.model_res_users').id
  108. self.env['auditlog.rule'].create({
  109. 'name': 'testrule for users',
  110. 'model_id': users_model_id,
  111. 'log_read': True,
  112. 'log_create': True,
  113. 'log_write': True,
  114. 'log_unlink': True,
  115. 'state': 'subscribed',
  116. })
  117. # Log 'create'
  118. user = self.env['res.users'].create({
  119. 'name': 'testuser_inheritedfield',
  120. 'login': '',
  121. 'lang': 'en_US', # field inherited from 'res.partner'
  122. })
  123. self.assertTrue([
  124. ('model_id', '=', users_model_id),
  125. ('method', '=', 'create'),
  126. ('res_id', '=',,
  127. ]).ensure_one())
  128. # Log 'read'
  129. data =[0]
  130. self.assertIn('lang', data)
  131. self.assertTrue([
  132. ('model_id', '=', users_model_id),
  133. ('method', '=', 'read'),
  134. ('res_id', '=',,
  135. ]))