The module provide pre-built functions and wizards for developer to build excel import / export / report with ease. Without having to code to create excel file, developer do, - Create menu, action, wizard, model, view a normal Odoo development. - Design excel template using standard Excel application, e.g., colors, fonts, formulas, etc. - Instruct how the data will be located in Excel with simple dictionary instruction or from Odoo UI. - Odoo will combine instruction with excel template, and result in final excel file.
The module provide pre-built functions and wizards for developer to build excel import / export / report with ease.
Without having to code to create excel file, developer do,
- Create menu, action, wizard, model, view a normal Odoo development.
- Design excel template using standard Excel application, e.g., colors, fonts, formulas, etc.
- Instruct how the data will be located in Excel with simple dictionary instruction or from Odoo UI.
- Odoo will combine instruction with excel template, and result in final excel file.