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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2015 Antiun Ingeniería S.L. - Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from openerp import api, fields, models
class IrExports(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.exports'
name = fields.Char(required=True) resource = fields.Char( required=True, readonly=True, help="Model's technical name.") model_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", "Model", required=True, store=True, domain=[("osv_memory", "=", False)], compute="_compute_model_id", inverse="_inverse_model_id", help="Database model to export.")
@api.multi @api.depends("resource") def _compute_model_id(self): """Get the model from the resource.""" for s in self: s.model_id = self._get_model_id(s.resource)
@api.multi def _inverse_model_id(self): """Get the resource from the model.""" for s in self: s.resource = s.model_id.model
@api.multi @api.onchange("resource") def _onchange_resource(self): """Void fields if model is changed in a view.""" for s in self: s.export_fields = False
@api.model def _get_model_id(self, resource): """Return a model object from its technical name.
:param str resource: Technical name of the model, like ``ir.model``. """
return self.env["ir.model"].search([("model", "=", resource)])
@api.model def create(self, vals): """Add new required value when missing.
This is required because this model is created from a QWeb wizard view that does not populate ``model_id``, and it is easier to hack here than in the view. """
vals.setdefault("model_id", self._get_model_id(vals.get("resource")).id) return super(IrExports, self).create(vals)