# Copyright (C) 2018 by Camptocamp # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IrCron(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.cron'
oneshot = fields.Boolean( string='Single use', default=False, help='Enable this to run the cron only once. ' 'The cron will be deleted right after execution.' )
@api.model def create(self, vals): if vals.get('oneshot'): vals.update(self._oneshot_defaults(**vals)) return super().create(vals)
def _oneshot_defaults( self, name=None, delay=('minutes', 10), nextcall=None, **kw): if nextcall is None: nextcall = fields.Datetime.to_string( datetime.now() + timedelta(**dict([delay, ])) ) return { 'state': 'code', # TODO: shall we enforce `doall` too? # enforce numbercall 'numbercall': 1, # make sure name is automatic 'name': self._oneshot_make_name(name), 'nextcall': nextcall, }
def _oneshot_make_name(self, name=None): name = ' ' + (name if name else '') return '{}{}'.format( self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('cron.oneshot'), name )
@api.model def schedule_oneshot(self, model_name, method=None, code=None, delay=('minutes', 10), **kw): """Create a one shot cron.
:param model_name: a string matching an odoo model name :param method: an existing method to call on the model :param code: custom code to run on the model :param delay: timedelta compat values for delay as tuple :param kw: custom values for the cron """
assert method or code, _('Provide a method or some code!') if method and not code: code = 'model.{}()'.format(method) model = self.env['ir.model']._get(model_name) vals = { 'model_id': model.id, 'code': code, } vals.update(self._oneshot_defaults(delay=delay)) vals.update(kw) # make sure is a oneshot cron ;) vals['oneshot'] = True return self.create(vals)
def _oneshot_cleanup_domain(self): # TODO: any better way to select them? return [ ('oneshot', '=', True), ('numbercall', '=', 0), # already executed ('active', '=', False), # already executed and numbercall=0 ]
@api.model def cron_oneshot_cleanup(self): self.with_context( active_test=False ).search(self._oneshot_cleanup_domain()).unlink()