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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. Copyright (C) 2017 - Today: GRAP (
  4. @author Sylvain LE GAL (
  5. License AGPL-3.0 or later (
  6. -->
  7. <openerp><data>
  8. <record id="wizard_module_uninstall_view_form" model="ir.ui.view">
  9. <field name="model">wizard.module.uninstall</field>
  10. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  11. <form string="System Update">
  12. <p>The following models and fields will be dropped if uninstallation of the selected module is done</p>
  13. <field name="module_qty" invisible="1"/>
  14. <group col="4">
  15. <field name="module_id"/>
  16. <field name="module_name" />
  17. <field name="module_ids" widget="many2many_tags" attrs="{'invisible': [('module_qty', '=', 0)]}" colspan="4"/>
  18. </group>
  19. <separator string="Related Models"/>
  20. <field name="model_line_ids" notitle="1" colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible': [('model_line_ids', '=', False)]}">
  21. <tree colors="gray: db_size==0; brown:db_type=='v'">
  22. <field name="db_type" invisible="1"/>
  23. <field name="model_id" />
  24. <field name="model_name" />
  25. <field name="model_row_qty" />
  26. <field name="table_size" sum="Total"/>
  27. <field name="index_size" sum="Total"/>
  28. <field name="db_size" sum="Total"/>
  29. </tree>
  30. </field>
  31. <separator string="Related Fields"/>
  32. <field name="field_line_ids" notitle="1" colspan="4" attrs="{'invisible': [('field_line_ids', '=', False)]}">
  33. <tree>
  34. <field name="field_id" />
  35. <field name="field_model_name" />
  36. <field name="field_name" />
  37. <field name="field_ttype" />
  38. </tree>
  39. </field>
  40. <footer>
  41. <button special="cancel" string="Cancel"/>
  42. </footer>
  43. </form>
  44. </field>
  45. </record>
  46. </data></openerp>