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8 years ago
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8 years ago
  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # © 2016 Akretion Mourad EL HADJ MIMOUNE, David BEAL, Raphaël REVERDY
  3. # License AGPL-3.0 or later (
  4. from functools import wraps
  5. import logging
  6. import json
  7. from odoo import models, fields, api
  8. from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
  9. from import config
  10. from import _
  11. _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  12. try:
  13. from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, MultiFernet, InvalidToken
  14. except ImportError as err:
  15. _logger.debug(err)
  16. def implemented_by_keychain(func):
  17. """Call a prefixed function based on 'namespace'."""
  18. @wraps(func)
  19. def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  20. fun_name = func.__name__
  21. fun = '_%s%s' % (cls.namespace, fun_name)
  22. if not hasattr(cls, fun):
  23. fun = '_default%s' % (fun_name)
  24. return getattr(cls, fun)(*args, **kwargs)
  25. return wrapper
  26. class KeychainAccount(models.Model):
  27. """Manage all accounts of external systems in one place."""
  28. _name = 'keychain.account'
  29. name = fields.Char(required=True, help="Humain readable label")
  30. technical_name = fields.Char(
  31. required=True,
  32. help="Technical name. Must be unique")
  33. namespace = fields.Selection(selection=[],
  34. help="Type of account",
  35. required=True)
  36. environment = fields.Char(
  37. required=False,
  38. help="'prod', 'dev', etc. or empty (for all)"
  39. )
  40. login = fields.Char(help="Login")
  41. clear_password = fields.Char(
  42. help="Password. Leave empty if no changes",
  43. inverse='_inverse_set_password',
  44. compute='_compute_password',
  45. store=False)
  46. password = fields.Char(
  47. help="Password is derived from clear_password",
  48. readonly=True)
  49. data = fields.Text(help="Additionnal data as json")
  50. def _compute_password(self):
  51. # Only needed in v8 for _description_searchable issues
  52. return True
  53. def _get_password(self):
  54. """Password in clear text."""
  55. try:
  56. return self._decode_password(self.password)
  57. except UserError as warn:
  58. raise UserError(_(
  59. "%s \n"
  60. "Account: %s %s %s " % (
  61. warn,
  62. self.login,, self.technical_name
  63. )
  64. ))
  65. def get_data(self):
  66. """Data in dict form."""
  67. return self._parse_data(
  68. @api.constrains('data')
  69. def _check_data(self):
  70. """Ensure valid input in data field."""
  71. for account in self:
  72. if
  73. parsed = account._parse_data(
  74. if not account._validate_data(parsed):
  75. raise ValidationError(_("Data not valid"))
  76. def _inverse_set_password(self):
  77. """Encode password from clear text."""
  78. # inverse function
  79. for rec in self:
  80. rec.password = rec._encode_password(
  81. rec.clear_password, rec.environment)
  82. @api.model
  83. def retrieve(self, domain):
  84. """Search accounts for a given domain.
  85. Environment is added by this function.
  86. Use this instead of search() to benefit from environment filtering.
  87. Use user.has_group() and suspend_security() before
  88. calling this method.
  89. """
  90. domain.append(['environment', 'in', self._retrieve_env()])
  91. return
  92. @api.multi
  93. def write(self, vals):
  94. """At this time there is no namespace set."""
  95. if not vals.get('data') and not
  96. vals['data'] = self._serialize_data(self._init_data())
  97. return super(KeychainAccount, self).write(vals)
  98. @implemented_by_keychain
  99. def _validate_data(self, data):
  100. """Ensure data is valid according to the namespace.
  101. How to use:
  102. - Create a method prefixed with your namespace
  103. - Put your validation logic inside
  104. - Return true if data is valid for your usage
  105. This method will be called on write().
  106. If false is returned an user error will be raised.
  107. Example:
  108. def _hereismynamspace_validate_data():
  109. return len(data.get('some_param', '') > 6)
  110. @params data dict
  111. @returns boolean
  112. """
  113. pass
  114. def _default_validate_data(self, data):
  115. """Default validation.
  116. By default says data is always valid.
  117. See _validata_data() for more information.
  118. """
  119. return True
  120. @implemented_by_keychain
  121. def _init_data(self):
  122. """Initialize data field.
  123. How to use:
  124. - Create a method prefixed with your namespace
  125. - Return a dict with the keys and may be default
  126. values your expect.
  127. This method will be called on write().
  128. Example:
  129. def _hereismynamspace_init_data():
  130. return { 'some_param': 'default_value' }
  131. @returns dict
  132. """
  133. pass
  134. def _default_init_data(self):
  135. """Default initialization.
  136. See _init_data() for more information.
  137. """
  138. return {}
  139. @staticmethod
  140. def _retrieve_env():
  141. """Return the current environments.
  142. You may override this function to fit your needs.
  143. returns: a tuple like:
  144. ('dev', 'test', False)
  145. Which means accounts for dev, test and blank (not set)
  146. Order is important: the first one is used for encryption.
  147. """
  148. current = config.get('running_env') or False
  149. envs = [current]
  150. if False not in envs:
  151. envs.append(False)
  152. return envs
  153. @staticmethod
  154. def _serialize_data(data):
  155. return json.dumps(data)
  156. @staticmethod
  157. def _parse_data(data):
  158. try:
  159. return json.loads(data)
  160. except ValueError:
  161. raise ValidationError(_("Data should be a valid JSON"))
  162. @classmethod
  163. def _encode_password(cls, data, env):
  164. cipher = cls._get_cipher(env)
  165. return cipher.encrypt(str((data or '').encode('UTF-8')))
  166. @classmethod
  167. def _decode_password(cls, data):
  168. cipher = cls._get_cipher()
  169. try:
  170. return unicode(cipher.decrypt(str(data)), 'UTF-8')
  171. except InvalidToken:
  172. raise UserError(_(
  173. "Password has been encrypted with a different "
  174. "key. Unless you can recover the previous key, "
  175. "this password is unreadable."
  176. ))
  177. @classmethod
  178. def _get_cipher(cls, force_env=None):
  179. """Return a cipher using the keys of environments.
  180. force_env = name of the env key.
  181. Useful for encoding against one precise env
  182. """
  183. def _get_keys(envs):
  184. suffixes = [
  185. '_%s' % env if env else ''
  186. for env in envs] # ('_dev', '')
  187. keys_name = [
  188. 'keychain_key%s' % suf
  189. for suf in suffixes] # prefix it
  190. keys_str = [
  191. config.get(key)
  192. for key in keys_name] # fetch from config
  193. return [
  194. Fernet(key) for key in keys_str # build Fernet object
  195. if key and len(key) > 0 # remove False values
  196. ]
  197. if force_env:
  198. envs = [force_env]
  199. else:
  200. envs = cls._retrieve_env() # ex: ('dev', False)
  201. keys = _get_keys(envs)
  202. if len(keys) == 0:
  203. raise UserError(_(
  204. "No 'keychain_key_%s' entries found in config file. "
  205. "Use a key similar to: %s" % (envs[0], Fernet.generate_key())
  206. ))
  207. return MultiFernet(keys)