# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2017 Therp BV <http://therp.nl> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging try: import odoorpc except: logging.error('Unable to import odoorpc') import psycopg2 import traceback from urlparse import urlparse from openerp import _, api, exceptions, fields, models, tools from collections import namedtuple _logger = logging.getLogger('base_import_odoo')
import_context_tuple = namedtuple( 'import_context', [ 'remote', 'model_line', 'ids', 'idmap', 'dummies', 'dummy_instances', 'to_delete', 'field_context', ] )
class ImportContext(import_context_tuple): def with_field_context(self, *args): return ImportContext(*(self[:-1] + (field_context(*args),)))
field_context = namedtuple( 'field_context', ['record_model', 'field_name', 'record_id'], )
mapping_key = namedtuple('mapping_key', ['model_name', 'remote_id'])
dummy_instance = namedtuple( 'dummy_instance', ['model_name', 'field_name', 'remote_id', 'dummy_id'], )
class ImportOdooDatabase(models.Model): _name = 'import.odoo.database' _description = 'An Odoo database to import'
url = fields.Char(required=True) database = fields.Char(required=True) user = fields.Char(default='admin', required=True) password = fields.Char(default='admin') import_line_ids = fields.One2many( 'import.odoo.database.model', 'database_id', string='Import models', ) import_field_mappings = fields.One2many( 'import.odoo.database.field', 'database_id', string='Field mappings', ) cronjob_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.cron', string='Import job', readonly=True, copy=False, ) cronjob_running = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_cronjob_running') status_data = fields.Serialized('Status', readonly=True, copy=False) status_html = fields.Html( compute='_compute_status_html', readonly=True, sanitize=False, )
@api.multi def action_import(self): """Create a cronjob to run the actual import""" self.ensure_one() if self.cronjob_id: return self.cronjob_id.write({ 'numbercall': 1, 'doall': True, 'active': True, }) return self.write({ 'cronjob_id': self._create_cronjob().id, })
@api.multi def _run_import(self, commit=True, commit_threshold=100): """Run the import as cronjob, commit often""" self.ensure_one() if not self.password: return # model name: [ids] remote_ids = {} # model name: count remote_counts = {} # model name: count done = {} # mapping_key: local_id idmap = {} # mapping_key: local_id # this are records created or linked when we need to fill a required # field, but the local record is not yet created dummies = {} # model name: [local_id] # this happens when we create a dummy we can throw away again to_delete = {} # dummy_instance dummy_instances = [] remote = self._get_connection() self.write({'password': False}) if commit and not tools.config['test_enable']: # pylint: disable=invalid-commit self.env.cr.commit() for model_line in self.import_line_ids: model = model_line.model_id remote_ids[model.model] = remote.execute( model.model, 'search', tools.safe_eval(model_line.domain) if model_line.domain else [] ) remote_counts[model.model] = len(remote_ids[model.model]) self.write({ 'status_data': { 'counts': remote_counts, 'ids': remote_ids, 'error': None, 'dummies': None, 'done': {}, } }) if commit and not tools.config['test_enable']: # pylint: disable=invalid-commit self.env.cr.commit() for model_line in self.import_line_ids: model = self.env[model_line.model_id.model] done[model._name] = 0 chunk_len = commit and (commit_threshold or 1) or len( remote_ids[model._name] )
for start_index in range( len(remote_ids[model._name]) / chunk_len + 1 ): index = start_index * chunk_len ids = remote_ids[model._name][index:index + chunk_len] context = ImportContext( remote, model_line, ids, idmap, dummies, dummy_instances, to_delete, field_context(None, None, None), ) try: self._run_import_model(context) except: error = traceback.format_exc() self.env.cr.rollback() self.write({ 'status_data': dict(self.status_data, error=error), }) # pylint: disable=invalid-commit self.env.cr.commit() raise done[model._name] += len(ids) self.write({'status_data': dict(self.status_data, done=done)})
if commit and not tools.config['test_enable']: # pylint: disable=invalid-commit self.env.cr.commit() missing = {} for dummy_model, remote_id in dummies.keys(): missing.setdefault(dummy_model, []).append(remote_id) self.write({ 'status_data': dict(self.status_data, dummies=dict(missing)), })
@api.multi def _run_import_model(self, context): """Import records of a configured model""" model = self.env[context.model_line.model_id.model] fields = self._run_import_model_get_fields(context) for data in context.remote.execute( model._name, 'read', context.ids, fields.keys() ): self._run_import_get_record( context, model, data, create_dummy=False, ) if (model._name, data['id']) in context.idmap: # there's a mapping for this record, nothing to do continue data = self._run_import_map_values(context, data) _id = data['id'] record = self._create_record(context, model, data) self._run_import_model_cleanup_dummies( context, model, _id, record.id, )
@api.multi def _create_record(self, context, model, record): """Create a record, add an xmlid""" _id = record.pop('id') xmlid = '%d-%s-%d' % ( self.id, model._name.replace('.', '_'), _id or 0, ) if self.env.ref('base_import_odoo.%s' % xmlid, False): new = self.env.ref('base_import_odoo.%s' % xmlid) new.with_context( **self._create_record_context(model, record) ).write(record) _logger.debug('Updated record %s', xmlid) else: new = model.with_context( **self._create_record_context(model, record) ).create(record) self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'name': xmlid, 'model': model._name, 'module': 'base_import_odoo', 'res_id': new.id, 'noupdate': True, 'import_database_id': self.id, 'import_database_record_id': _id, }) _logger.debug('Created record %s', xmlid) context.idmap[mapping_key(model._name, _id)] = new.id return new
def _create_record_context(self, model, record): """Return a context that is used when creating a record""" context = { 'tracking_disable': True, } if model._name == 'res.users': context['no_reset_password'] = True return context
@api.multi def _run_import_get_record( self, context, model, record, create_dummy=True, ): """Find the local id of some remote record. Create a dummy if not
_id = context.idmap.get((model._name, record['id'])) logged = False if not _id: _id = context.dummies.get((model._name, record['id'])) if _id: context.dummy_instances.append( dummy_instance(*(context.field_context + (_id,))) ) else: logged = True _logger.debug( 'Got %s(%d[%d]) from idmap', model._model, _id, record['id'] or 0, ) if not _id: _id = self._run_import_get_record_mapping( context, model, record, create_dummy=create_dummy, ) elif not logged: logged = True _logger.debug( 'Got %s(%d[%d]) from dummies', model._model, _id, record['id'], ) if not _id: xmlid = self.env['ir.model.data'].search([ ('import_database_id', '=', self.id), ('import_database_record_id', '=', record['id']), ('model', '=', model._name), ], limit=1) if xmlid: _id = xmlid.res_id context.idmap[(model._name, record['id'])] = _id elif not logged: logged = True _logger.debug( 'Got %s(%d[%d]) from mappings', model._model, _id, record['id'], ) if not _id and create_dummy: _id = self._run_import_create_dummy( context, model, record, forcecreate=record['id'] not in self.status_data['ids'].get(model._name, []) ) elif _id and not logged: _logger.debug( 'Got %s(%d[%d]) from xmlid', model._model, _id, record['id'], ) return _id
@api.multi def _run_import_get_record_mapping( self, context, model, record, create_dummy=True, ): current_field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([ ('name', '=', context.field_context.field_name), ('model_id.model', '=', context.field_context.record_model), ]) mappings = self.import_field_mappings.filtered( lambda x: x.mapping_type == 'fixed' and x.model_id.model == model._name and ( not x.field_ids or current_field in x.field_ids ) and x.local_id and (x.remote_id == record['id'] or not x.remote_id) or x.mapping_type == 'by_field' and x.model_id.model == model._name ) _id = None for mapping in mappings: if mapping.mapping_type == 'fixed': assert mapping.local_id _id = mapping.local_id context.idmap[(model._name, record['id'])] = _id break elif mapping.mapping_type == 'by_field': assert mapping.field_ids if len(record) == 1: # just the id of a record we haven't seen yet. # read the whole record from remote to check if # this can be mapped to an existing record record = context.remote.execute( model._name, 'read', record['id'], mapping.field_ids.mapped('name'), ) or None if not record: continue if isinstance(record, list): record = record[0] records = model.search([ (field.name, '=', record.get(field.name)) for field in mapping.field_ids ], limit=1) if records: _id = records.id context.idmap[(model._name, record['id'])] = _id break else: raise exceptions.UserError(_('Unknown mapping')) return _id
@api.multi def _run_import_create_dummy( self, context, model, record, forcecreate=False, ): """Either misuse some existing record or create an empty one to satisfy
required links"""
dummy = model.search([ ( 'id', 'not in', [ v for (model_name, remote_id), v in context.dummies.items() if model_name == model._name ] + [ mapping.local_id for mapping in self.import_field_mappings if mapping.model_id.model == model._name and mapping.local_id ] ), ], limit=1) if dummy and not forcecreate: context.dummies[mapping_key(model._name, record['id'])] = dummy.id context.dummy_instances.append( dummy_instance(*(context.field_context + (dummy.id,))) ) _logger.debug( 'Using %d as dummy for %s(%d[%d]).%s[%d]', dummy.id, context.field_context.record_model, context.idmap.get(context.field_context.record_id, 0), context.field_context.record_id, context.field_context.field_name, record['id'], ) return dummy.id required = [ name for name, field in model._fields.items() if field.required ] defaults = model.default_get(required) values = {'id': record['id']} for name, field in model._fields.items(): if name not in required or name in defaults: continue value = None if field.type in ['char', 'text', 'html']: value = '' elif field.type in ['boolean']: value = False elif field.type in ['integer', 'float']: value = 0 elif model._fields[name].type in ['date', 'datetime']: value = '2000-01-01' elif field.type in ['many2one']: if name in model._inherits.values(): continue new_context = context.with_field_context( model._name, name, record['id'] ) value = self._run_import_get_record( new_context, self.env[model._fields[name].comodel_name], {'id': record.get(name, [None])[0]}, ) elif field.type in ['selection'] and not callable(field.selection): value = field.selection[0][0] elif field.type in ['selection'] and callable(field.selection): value = field.selection(model)[0][0] values[name] = value dummy = self._create_record(context, model, values) del context.idmap[mapping_key(model._name, record['id'])] context.dummies[mapping_key(model._name, record['id'])] = dummy.id context.to_delete.setdefault(model._name, []) context.to_delete[model._name].append(dummy.id) context.dummy_instances.append( dummy_instance(*(context.field_context + (dummy.id,))) ) _logger.debug( 'Created %d as dummy for %s(%d[%d]).%s[%d]', dummy.id, context.field_context.record_model, context.idmap.get(context.field_context.record_id, 0), context.field_context.record_id or 0, context.field_context.field_name, record['id'], ) return dummy.id
@api.multi def _run_import_map_values(self, context, data): model = self.env[context.model_line.model_id.model] for field_name in data.keys(): if not isinstance( model._fields[field_name], fields._Relational ) or not data[field_name]: continue if model._fields[field_name].type == 'one2many': # don't import one2many fields, use an own configuration # for this data.pop(field_name) continue ids = data[field_name] if ( model._fields[field_name].type != 'many2one' ) else [data[field_name][0]] new_context = context.with_field_context( model._name, field_name, data['id'] ) comodel = self.env[model._fields[field_name].comodel_name] data[field_name] = [ self._run_import_get_record( new_context, comodel, {'id': _id}, create_dummy=model._fields[field_name].required or any( m.model_id.model == comodel._name for m in self.import_line_ids ), ) for _id in ids ] data[field_name] = filter(None, data[field_name]) if model._fields[field_name].type == 'many2one': if data[field_name]: data[field_name] = data[field_name] and data[field_name][0] else: data[field_name] = None else: data[field_name] = [(6, 0, data[field_name])] for mapping in self.import_field_mappings: if mapping.model_id.model != model._name: continue if mapping.mapping_type == 'unique': for field in mapping.field_ids: value = data.get(field.name, '') counter = 1 while model.with_context(active_test=False).search([ (field.name, '=', data.get(field.name, value)), ]): data[field.name] = '%s (%d)' % (value, counter) counter += 1 elif mapping.mapping_type == 'by_reference': res_model = data.get(mapping.model_field_id.name) res_id = data.get(mapping.id_field_id.name) update = { mapping.model_field_id.name: None, mapping.id_field_id.name: None, } if res_model in self.env.registry and res_id: new_context = context.with_field_context( model._name, res_id, data['id'] ) record_id = self._run_import_get_record( new_context, self.env[res_model], {'id': res_id}, create_dummy=False ) if record_id: update.update({ mapping.model_field_id.name: res_model, mapping.id_field_id.name: record_id, }) data.update(update) return data
@api.multi def _run_import_model_get_fields(self, context): return { name: field for name, field in self.env[context.model_line.model_id.model]._fields.items() if not field.compute or field.related }
@api.multi def _run_import_model_cleanup_dummies( self, context, model, remote_id, local_id ): if not (model._name, remote_id) in context.dummies: return for instance in context.dummy_instances: key = mapping_key(instance.model_name, instance.remote_id) if key not in context.idmap: continue dummy_id = context.dummies[(model._name, remote_id)] record_model = self.env[instance.model_name] comodel = record_model._fields[instance.field_name].comodel_name if comodel != model._name or instance.dummy_id != dummy_id: continue record = record_model.browse(context.idmap[key]) field_name = instance.field_name _logger.debug( 'Replacing dummy %d on %s(%d).%s with %d', dummy_id, record_model._name, record.id, field_name, local_id, ) if record._fields[field_name].type == 'many2one': record.write({field_name: local_id}) elif record._fields[field_name].type == 'many2many': record.write({field_name: [ (3, dummy_id), (4, local_id), ]}) else: raise exceptions.UserError( _('Unhandled field type %s') % record._fields[field_name].type ) context.dummy_instances.remove(instance) if dummy_id in context.to_delete: model.browse(dummy_id).unlink() _logger.debug('Deleting dummy %d', dummy_id) if (model._name, remote_id) in context.dummies: del context.dummies[(model._name, remote_id)]
def _get_connection(self): self.ensure_one() url = urlparse(self.url) hostport = url.netloc.split(':') if len(hostport) == 1: hostport.append('80') host, port = hostport remote = odoorpc.ODOO( host, protocol='jsonrpc+ssl' if url.scheme == 'https' else 'jsonrpc', port=int(port), ) remote.login(self.database, self.user, self.password) return remote
@api.constrains('url', 'database', 'user', 'password') @api.multi def _constrain_url(self): for this in self: if this == self.env.ref('base_import_odoo.demodb', False): continue if tools.config['test_enable']: continue if not this.password: continue this._get_connection()
@api.depends('status_data') @api.multi def _compute_status_html(self): for this in self: if not this.status_data: continue this.status_html = self.env.ref( 'base_import_odoo.view_import_odoo_database_qweb' ).render({'object': this})
@api.depends('cronjob_id') @api.multi def _compute_cronjob_running(self): for this in self: if not this.cronjob_id: continue try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(): self.env.cr.execute( 'select id from "%s" where id=%%s for update nowait' % self.env['ir.cron']._table, (this.cronjob_id.id,), log_exceptions=False, ) except psycopg2.OperationalError: this.cronjob_running = True
@api.multi def _create_cronjob(self): self.ensure_one() return self.env['ir.cron'].create({ 'name': self.display_name, 'model': self._name, 'function': '_run_import', 'doall': True, 'args': str((self.ids,)), })
@api.multi def name_get(self): return [ (this.id, '%s@%s, %s' % (this.user, this.url, this.database)) for this in self ]