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10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. sudo: false
  2. cache: pip
  3. addons:
  4. apt:
  5. packages:
  6. - expect-dev # provides unbuffer utility
  7. - python-lxml # because pip installation is slow
  8. language: python
  9. python:
  10. - "2.7"
  11. env:
  12. - VERSION="7.0" LINT_CHECK=1
  13. - VERSION="7.0" ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo" LINT_CHECK=0
  15. - VERSION="7.0" UNIT_TEST="1" LINT_CHECK=0
  16. virtualenv:
  17. system_site_packages: true
  18. install:
  19. - git clone ${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools
  20. - export PATH=${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools/travis:${PATH}
  21. - travis_install_nightly
  22. - pip install python-ldap raven raven_sanitize_openerp bzr GitPython
  23. - printf '[options]\n\nrunning_env = dev' > ${HOME}/.openerp_serverrc
  24. script:
  25. - travis_run_tests
  26. after_success:
  27. coveralls