[8.0][ADD][base_import_match] Import deduplicator.
By default, when importing data (like CSV import) with the ``base_import``
module, Odoo follows this rule:
1. If you import the XMLID of a record, make an **update**.
2. If you do not, **create** a new record.
This module allows you to set additional rules to match if a given import is an
update or a new record.
This is useful when you need to sync heterogeneous databases, and the field you
use to match records in those databases with Odoo's is not the XMLID but the
name, VAT, email, etc.
After installing this module, the import logic will be changed to:
1. If you import the XMLID of a record, make an **update**.
2. If you do not:
1. If there are import match rules for the model you are importing:
1. Discard the rules that require fields you are not importing.
2. Traverse the remaining rules one by one in order to find a match in
the database.
1. If one match is found:
1. Stop traversing the rest of valid rules.
2. **Update** that record.
2. If zero or multiple matches are found:
1. Continue with the next rule.
3. If all rules are exhausted and no single match is found:
1. **Create** a new record.
2. If there are no match rules for your model:
1. **Create** a new record.
9 years ago |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2016 Grupo ESOC Ingeniería de Servicios, S.L.U. - Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from openerp import api, fields, models from openerp.exceptions import except_orm as ValueError # TODO remove in v9 from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID # TODO remove in v10
class BaseImportMatch(models.Model): _name = "base_import.match" _description = "Deduplicate settings prior to CSV imports." _order = "sequence, name" _sql_constraints = [ ("name_unique", "UNIQUE(name)", "Duplicated match!"), ]
name = fields.Char( compute="_compute_name", store=True, index=True) sequence = fields.Integer(index=True) model_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", "Model", required=True, ondelete="cascade", domain=[("osv_memory", "=", False)], help="In this model you will apply the match.") model_name = fields.Char( related="model_id.model", store=True, index=True) field_ids = fields.Many2many( "ir.model.fields", string="Fields", required=True, domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]", help="Fields that will define an unique key.")
@api.multi @api.onchange("model_id") def _onchange_model_id(self): self.field_ids = False
@api.model def create(self, vals): """Wrap the model after creation.""" result = super(BaseImportMatch, self).create(vals) self._load_autopatch(result.model_name) return result
@api.multi def unlink(self): """Unwrap the model after deletion.""" models = set(self.mapped("model_name")) result = super(BaseImportMatch, self).unlink() for model in models: self._load_autopatch(model) return result
@api.multi def write(self, vals): """Wrap the model after writing.""" result = super(BaseImportMatch, self).write(vals)
if "model_id" in vals or "model_name" in vals: for s in self: self._load_autopatch(s.model_name)
return result
# TODO convert to @api.model_cr in v10 def _register_hook(self, cr): """Autopatch on init.""" models = set( self.browse( cr, SUPERUSER_ID, self.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, list())) .mapped("model_name")) for model in models: self._load_autopatch(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, model)
@api.multi @api.depends("model_id", "field_ids") def _compute_name(self): """Automatic self-descriptive name for the setting records.""" for s in self: s.name = "{}: {}".format( s.model_id.display_name, " + ".join(s.field_ids.mapped("display_name")))
@api.model def _load_wrapper(self): """Create a new load patch method.""" @api.model def wrapper(self, fields, data): """Try to identify rows by other pseudo-unique keys.
It searches for rows that have no XMLID specified, and gives them one if any :attr:`~.field_ids` combination is found. With a valid XMLID in place, Odoo will understand that it must *update* the record instead of *creating* a new one. """
newdata = list()
# Mock Odoo to believe the user is importing the ID field if "id" not in fields: fields.append("id")
# Needed to work with relational fields clean_fields = [ models.fix_import_export_id_paths(f)[0] for f in fields]
# Get usable rules to perform matches usable = self.env["base_import.match"]._usable_for_load( self._name, clean_fields)
for row in (dict(zip(clean_fields, r)) for r in data): # All rows need an ID if "id" not in row: row["id"] = u""
# Skip rows with ID, they do not need all this elif row["id"]: continue
# Store records that match a combination match = self for combination in usable: match |= self.search( [(field.name, "=", row[field.name]) for field in combination.field_ids])
# When a single match is found, stop searching if len(match) != 1: break
# Only one record should have been found try: match.ensure_one()
# You hit this because... # a. No match. Odoo must create a new record. # b. Multiple matches. No way to know which is the right # one, so we let Odoo create a new record or raise # the corresponding exception. # In any case, we must do nothing. except ValueError: continue
# Give a valid XMLID to this row row["id"] = match._BaseModel__export_xml_id()
# Store the modified row, in the same order as fields newdata.append(tuple(row[f] for f in clean_fields))
# Leave the rest to Odoo itself del data return wrapper.origin(self, fields, newdata)
# Flag to avoid confusions with other possible wrappers wrapper.__base_import_match = True
return wrapper
@api.model def _load_autopatch(self, model_name): """[Un]apply patch automatically.""" self._load_unpatch(model_name) if self.search([("model_name", "=", model_name)]): self._load_patch(model_name)
@api.model def _load_patch(self, model_name): """Apply patch for :param:`model_name`'s load method.
:param str model_name: Model technical name, such as ``res.partner``. """
self.env[model_name]._patch_method( "load", self._load_wrapper())
@api.model def _load_unpatch(self, model_name): """Apply patch for :param:`model_name`'s load method.
:param str model_name: Model technical name, such as ``res.partner``. """
model = self.env[model_name]
# Unapply patch only if there is one try: if model.load.__base_import_match: model._revert_method("load") except AttributeError: pass
@api.model def _usable_for_load(self, model_name, fields): """Return a set of elements usable for calling ``load()``.
:param str model_name: Technical name of the model where you are loading data. E.g. ``res.partner``.
:param list(str|bool) fields: List of field names being imported. """
result = self available = self.search([("model_name", "=", model_name)])
# Use only criteria with all required fields to match for record in available: if all(f.name in fields for f in record.field_ids): result += record
return result