# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Odoo, Open Source Management Solution # # Copyright (c) All rights reserved: # (c) 2012 Agile Business Group sagl (<http://www.agilebg.com>) # (c) 2012 Domsense srl (<http://www.domsense.com>) # (c) 2015 Anubía, soluciones en la nube,SL (http://www.anubia.es) # Alejandro Santana <alejandrosantana@anubia.es> # (c) 2015 Savoir-faire Linux <http://www.savoirfairelinux.com>) # Agathe Mollé <agathe.molle@savoirfairelinux.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses # ##############################################################################
import logging from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone, utc from mako.template import Template from openerp import _, api, exceptions, fields, models, tools from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SuperCalendarConfigurator(models.Model): _name = 'super.calendar.configurator'
name = fields.Char( string='Name', required=True, ) line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='super.calendar.configurator.line', inverse_name='configurator_id', string='Lines', )
def _clear_super_calendar_records(self): """
Remove old super_calendar records """
super_calendar_pool = self.env['super.calendar'] super_calendar_list = super_calendar_pool.search([]) super_calendar_list.unlink()
@api.multi def generate_calendar_records(self): """
At every CRON execution, every 'super calendar' data is deleted and regenerated again. """
# Remove old records self._clear_super_calendar_records()
# Rebuild all calendar records configurator_list = self.search([]) for configurator in configurator_list: for line in configurator.line_ids: configurator._generate_record_from_line(line) _logger.info('Calendar generated') return True
@api.multi def _generate_record_from_line(self, line): """
Create super_calendar records from super_calendar_configurator_line objects. """
super_calendar_pool = self.env['super.calendar'] values = self._get_record_values_from_line(line) for record in values: super_calendar_pool.create(values[record])
@api.multi def _get_record_values_from_line(self, line): """
Get super_calendar fields values from super_calendar_configurator_line objects. Check if the User value is a res.users. """
res = {} current_pool = self.env[line.name.model] domain = line.domain and safe_eval(line.domain) or [] current_record_list = current_pool.search(domain) for cur_rec in current_record_list: f_user = line.user_field_id.name f_descr = line.description_field_id.name f_date_start = line.date_start_field_id.name f_date_stop = line.date_stop_field_id.name f_duration = line.duration_field_id.name
# Check if f_user refer to a res.users if (f_user and cur_rec[f_user] and cur_rec[f_user]._model._name != 'res.users'): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("The 'User' field of record %s (%s) " "does not refer to res.users") % (cur_rec[f_descr], line.name.model))
if ((cur_rec[f_descr] or line.description_code) and cur_rec[f_date_start]): duration = False
if line.date_start_field_id.ttype == 'date': date_format = tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT else: date_format = tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT date_start = datetime.strptime( cur_rec[f_date_start], date_format )
if (not line.duration_field_id and line.date_stop_field_id and cur_rec[f_date_start] and cur_rec[f_date_stop]): if line.date_stop_field_id.ttype == 'date': date_format = tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT else: date_format = tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT date_stop = datetime.strptime( cur_rec[f_date_stop], date_format ) date_diff = (date_stop - date_start) duration = date_diff.total_seconds() / 3600
elif line.duration_field_id: duration = cur_rec[f_duration]
if line.description_type != 'code': name = cur_rec[f_descr] else: parse_dict = {'o': cur_rec} mytemplate = Template(line.description_code) name = mytemplate.render(**parse_dict)
# Convert date_start to UTC timezone if it is a date field # in order to be stored in UTC in the database if line.date_start_field_id.ttype == 'date': tz = timezone(self._context.get('tz') or self.env.user.tz or 'UTC') local_date_start = tz.localize(date_start) utc_date_start = local_date_start.astimezone(utc) date_start = datetime.strftime( utc_date_start, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT )
super_calendar_values = { 'name': name, 'date_start': date_start, 'duration': duration, 'user_id': (f_user and cur_rec[f_user].id), 'configurator_id': self.id, 'res_id': line.name.model + ',' + str(cur_rec['id']), 'model_id': line.name.id, } res[cur_rec] = super_calendar_values return res