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658 B

  1. id,name,template_id:id,field_type,required,minimum,maximum,category_id:id,sequence
  2. prop_teacher,Name of his/her teacher,tpl_smart,str,,1,30,,100
  3. prop_haters,Amount of people that hates him/her for being so smart,tpl_smart,int,,0,99999,cat_statics,200
  4. prop_avg_note,Average note on all subjects,tpl_smart,float,True,0,10,cat_statics,300
  5. prop_smartypants,Does he/she believe he/she is the smartest person on earth?,tpl_smart,bool,,0,-1,,400
  6. prop_weaknesses,What weaknesses does he/she have?,tpl_smart,id,,0,-1,,500
  7. prop_fav_genre,Favourite videogames genre,tpl_gamer,id,,0,-1,cat_gaming,600
  8. prop_fav_game,Favourite videogame,tpl_gamer,str,,0,-1,cat_gaming,700