![Dave Lasley](/avatar/3462e2f81e15915bf8d1359e20430b27?size=36) [9.0][MIG] auto_backup (#526)
* Update english pot file
Added all the new fields and sentences. This will be the template for
* Dutch translations
Full translation of the module to Dutch
* Chinese translations
Add Chinese translations to the module. Written by talway.
* Changes chinese translation
Changed some translations
* Full German translations
Thanks to Martin Schmid!
* Typo fix
could'nt > couldn't
* Flemish translations
Flemish translations are identical to Dutch.
* Open FTP session on the last moment possible
Used to open fp = open(file_path,'wb') a few lines before it was needed. This shouldn't be too much of a problem but opening and closing it right after eachother keeps the session open for less time and there are less chances on failure.
* Porting module to OCA 8.0
* [FIX] module
* [FIX] bug logger --> _logger call
[FIX] Flake8
[RM] useless files
* [FIX] Readme.rst
* [FIX] defaults value
* [FIX] rebased commit
* [RM] description index.html
* [RF] porting to new api
[FIX] schedule_backup method
[IMP] IT translation
[IMP] tests
* [FIX] test
* [FIX] flake8
* [IMP] deps in travis.yml
[FIX] flake8
* [FIX] flake8 and pylint
* [FIX] name of file
* [FIX] autoremove method
[FIX] Contributors
* [FIX] mail.tempale seems not work in cron task, replaced with direct call of mail.mail
* [FIX] Readme
* [FIX] review remarks
* [FIX] handled ssl hosts
[FIX] Flake8
* [FIX] handled ssl hosts
[FIX] Flake8
* [FIX] fixed, last review remarks
* [FIX] travis lint check
* [FIX] backup only local db , beacause xmlrpc call of dump cause memory leak
* [RM] useless field
* [FIX] check_dd method
[ADD] test case improved
* [auto_backup] Refactor.
- Follow template README.
- Move models to models folder.
- Model and view file names follow guidelines.
- Unused methods cleanup.
- Remove unneeded `.pot` file.
- Fix permissons.
- Follow PEP8 in names everywhere.
- Set more descriptive field names.
- Disable backups for other databases, for security.
- Remove db name from generated file, for easier cleanup.
- EAFP logic everywhere.
- More descriptive name.
- Data files moved to YAML, with cleaner ir.cron record creation.
- Add permissions for db.backup model.
- Icons.
- Update tests with new format.
- Storage method is a selectable, for easier extensibility.
- Instead of custom mailing, it just has a mail thread where you can subscribe.
- Should fix almost all comments in https://github.com/OCA/server-tools/pull/203.
* Update english pot file
Added all the new fields and sentences. This will be the template for
* Dutch translations
Full translation of the module to Dutch
* Chinese translations
Add Chinese translations to the module. Written by talway.
* Changes chinese translation
Changed some translations
* Full German translations
Thanks to Martin Schmid!
* Typo fix
could'nt > couldn't
* Flemish translations
Flemish translations are identical to Dutch.
* Open FTP session on the last moment possible
Used to open fp = open(file_path,'wb') a few lines before it was needed. This shouldn't be too much of a problem but opening and closing it right after eachother keeps the session open for less time and there are less chances on failure.
* Porting module to OCA 8.0
* [FIX] module
* [FIX] bug logger --> _logger call
[FIX] Flake8
[RM] useless files
* [FIX] Readme.rst
* [FIX] defaults value
* [FIX] rebased commit
* [RM] description index.html
* [RF] porting to new api
[FIX] schedule_backup method
[IMP] IT translation
[IMP] tests
* [FIX] test
* [FIX] flake8
* [IMP] deps in travis.yml
[FIX] flake8
* [FIX] flake8 and pylint
* [FIX] name of file
* [FIX] autoremove method
[FIX] Contributors
* [FIX] mail.tempale seems not work in cron task, replaced with direct call of mail.mail
* [FIX] Readme
* [FIX] review remarks
* [FIX] handled ssl hosts
[FIX] Flake8
* [FIX] handled ssl hosts
[FIX] Flake8
* [FIX] fixed, last review remarks
* [FIX] travis lint check
* [FIX] backup only local db , beacause xmlrpc call of dump cause memory leak
* [RM] useless field
* [FIX] check_dd method
[ADD] test case improved
* [auto_backup] Refactor.
- Follow template README.
- Move models to models folder.
- Model and view file names follow guidelines.
- Unused methods cleanup.
- Remove unneeded `.pot` file.
- Fix permissons.
- Follow PEP8 in names everywhere.
- Set more descriptive field names.
- Disable backups for other databases, for security.
- Remove db name from generated file, for easier cleanup.
- EAFP logic everywhere.
- More descriptive name.
- Data files moved to YAML, with cleaner ir.cron record creation.
- Add permissions for db.backup model.
- Icons.
- Update tests with new format.
- Storage method is a selectable, for easier extensibility.
- Instead of custom mailing, it just has a mail thread where you can subscribe.
- Should fix almost all comments in https://github.com/OCA/server-tools/pull/203.
* Reduce headers.
This respects the upstream license choice (GPL/AGPL) but reduces
It would be ideal to have everything under AGPL though.
* Fix view format.
* Add shortcut to execute backups from the "More" menu.
* Avoid duplicated backups.
* Make sure you don't backup inside the filestore folder.
The filestore is saved in the backup, so if you save the backup in the
filestore, you'd end up with a huge backup that includes itself and the
universe may collapse.
* [FIX] This was removing all databases.
* FIX License type
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* [FIX] auto_backup: bad reference to field sftp_private_key (#423)
Bump module version to
* [FIX] auto_backup: Empty dump using sftp backup option (#432)
* [FIX] logger db_backup for pysftp (#419)
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
* [FIX] remove en.po that was erroneously created by transbot
* [MIG] auto_backup: Migrate to v9
* Add self.ensure_ones
* Add test coverage
* [ADD] auto_backup: Test coverage
* compute_name
* check_folder
* action_sftp_test_connection
* action_backup - sftp
* action_backup_all
* sftp_connection
* filename
8 years ago |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>). # © 2015 Agile Business Group <http://www.agilebg.com> # © 2016 Grupo ESOC Ingeniería de Servicios, S.L.U. - Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
import os import shutil import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, timedelta from glob import iglob from openerp import exceptions, models, fields, api, _, tools from openerp.service import db import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import pysftp except ImportError: # pragma: no cover _logger.debug('Cannot import pysftp')
class DbBackup(models.Model): _name = 'db.backup' _inherit = "mail.thread"
_sql_constraints = [ ("name_unique", "UNIQUE(name)", "Cannot duplicate a configuration."), ("days_to_keep_positive", "CHECK(days_to_keep >= 0)", "I cannot remove backups from the future. Ask Doc for that."), ]
name = fields.Char( string="Name", compute="_compute_name", store=True, help="Summary of this backup process", ) folder = fields.Char( default=lambda self: self._default_folder(), oldname="bkp_dir", help='Absolute path for storing the backups', required=True ) days_to_keep = fields.Integer( oldname="daystokeep", required=True, default=0, help="Backups older than this will be deleted automatically. " "Set 0 to disable autodeletion.", ) method = fields.Selection( selection=[("local", "Local disk"), ("sftp", "Remote SFTP server")], default="local", help="Choose the storage method for this backup.", ) sftp_host = fields.Char( string='SFTP Server', oldname="sftpip", help=( "The host name or IP address from your remote" " server. For example" ) ) sftp_port = fields.Integer( string="SFTP Port", default=22, oldname="sftpport", help="The port on the FTP server that accepts SSH/SFTP calls." ) sftp_user = fields.Char( string='Username in the SFTP Server', oldname="sftpusername", help=( "The username where the SFTP connection " "should be made with. This is the user on the external server." ) ) sftp_password = fields.Char( string="SFTP Password", oldname="sftppassword", help="The password for the SFTP connection. If you specify a private " "key file, then this is the password to decrypt it.", ) sftp_private_key = fields.Char( string="Private key location", help="Path to the private key file. Only the Odoo user should have " "read permissions for that file.", )
@api.model def _default_folder(self): """Default to ``backups`` folder inside current server datadir.""" return os.path.join( tools.config["data_dir"], "backups", self.env.cr.dbname)
@api.multi @api.depends("folder", "method", "sftp_host", "sftp_port", "sftp_user") def _compute_name(self): """Get the right summary for this job.""" for rec in self: if rec.method == "local": rec.name = "%s @ localhost" % rec.folder elif rec.method == "sftp": rec.name = "sftp://%s@%s:%d%s" % ( rec.sftp_user, rec.sftp_host, rec.sftp_port, rec.folder)
@api.multi @api.constrains("folder", "method") def _check_folder(self): """Do not use the filestore or you will backup your backups.""" for s in self: if (s.method == "local" and s.folder.startswith( tools.config.filestore(self.env.cr.dbname))): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("Do not save backups on your filestore, or you will " "backup your backups too!"))
@api.multi def action_sftp_test_connection(self): """Check if the SFTP settings are correct.""" try: # Just open and close the connection with self.sftp_connection(): raise exceptions.Warning(_("Connection Test Succeeded!")) except (pysftp.CredentialException, pysftp.ConnectionException): _logger.info("Connection Test Failed!", exc_info=True) raise exceptions.Warning(_("Connection Test Failed!"))
@api.multi def action_backup(self): """Run selected backups.""" backup = None filename = self.filename(datetime.now()) successful = self.browse()
# Start with local storage for rec in self.filtered(lambda r: r.method == "local"): with rec.backup_log(): # Directory must exist try: os.makedirs(rec.folder) except OSError: pass
with open(os.path.join(rec.folder, filename), 'wb') as destiny: # Copy the cached backup if backup: with open(backup) as cached: shutil.copyfileobj(cached, destiny) # Generate new backup else: db.dump_db(self.env.cr.dbname, destiny) backup = backup or destiny.name successful |= rec
# Ensure a local backup exists if we are going to write it remotely sftp = self.filtered(lambda r: r.method == "sftp") if sftp: if backup: cached = open(backup) else: cached = db.dump_db(self.env.cr.dbname, None)
with cached: for rec in sftp: with rec.backup_log(): with rec.sftp_connection() as remote: # Directory must exist try: remote.makedirs(rec.folder) except pysftp.ConnectionException: pass
# Copy cached backup to remote server with remote.open( os.path.join(rec.folder, filename), "wb") as destiny: shutil.copyfileobj(cached, destiny) successful |= rec
# Remove old files for successful backups successful.cleanup()
@api.model def action_backup_all(self): """Run all scheduled backups.""" return self.search([]).action_backup()
@api.multi @contextmanager def backup_log(self): """Log a backup result.""" try: _logger.info("Starting database backup: %s", self.name) yield except: _logger.exception("Database backup failed: %s", self.name) escaped_tb = tools.html_escape(traceback.format_exc()) self.message_post( "<p>%s</p><pre>%s</pre>" % ( _("Database backup failed."), escaped_tb), subtype=self.env.ref("auto_backup.failure")) else: _logger.info("Database backup succeeded: %s", self.name) self.message_post(_("Database backup succeeded."))
@api.multi def cleanup(self): """Clean up old backups.""" now = datetime.now() for rec in self.filtered("days_to_keep"): with rec.cleanup_log(): oldest = self.filename(now - timedelta(days=rec.days_to_keep))
if rec.method == "local": for name in iglob(os.path.join(rec.folder, "*.dump.zip")): if os.path.basename(name) < oldest: os.unlink(name)
elif rec.method == "sftp": with rec.sftp_connection() as remote: for name in remote.listdir(rec.folder): if (name.endswith(".dump.zip") and os.path.basename(name) < oldest): remote.unlink(name)
@api.multi @contextmanager def cleanup_log(self): """Log a possible cleanup failure.""" self.ensure_one() try: _logger.info("Starting cleanup process after database backup: %s", self.name) yield except: _logger.exception("Cleanup of old database backups failed: %s") escaped_tb = tools.html_escape(traceback.format_exc()) self.message_post( "<p>%s</p><pre>%s</pre>" % ( _("Cleanup of old database backups failed."), escaped_tb), subtype=self.env.ref("auto_backup.failure")) else: _logger.info("Cleanup of old database backups succeeded: %s", self.name)
@api.model def filename(self, when): """Generate a file name for a backup.
:param datetime.datetime when: Use this datetime instead of :meth:`datetime.datetime.now`. """
return "{:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}.dump.zip".format(when)
@api.multi def sftp_connection(self): """Return a new SFTP connection with found parameters.""" self.ensure_one() params = { "host": self.sftp_host, "username": self.sftp_user, "port": self.sftp_port, } _logger.debug( "Trying to connect to sftp://%(username)s@%(host)s:%(port)d", extra=params) if self.sftp_private_key: params["private_key"] = self.sftp_private_key if self.sftp_password: params["private_key_pass"] = self.sftp_password else: params["password"] = self.sftp_password
return pysftp.Connection(**params)