# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016-2017 LasLabs Inc. # License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
import logging import urllib from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import pyotp except ImportError: _logger.debug( 'Could not import PyOTP. Please make sure this library is available in' ' your environment.' )
class ResUsersAuthenticatorCreate(models.TransientModel): _name = 'res.users.authenticator.create' _description = 'MFA App/Device Creation Wizard'
name = fields.Char( string='Authentication App/Device Name', help='A name that will help you remember this authentication' ' app/device', required=True, index=True, ) secret_key = fields.Char( default=lambda s: pyotp.random_base32(), required=True, ) qr_code_tag = fields.Html( compute='_compute_qr_code_tag', string='QR Code', help='Scan this image with your authentication app to add your' ' account', ) user_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.users', default=lambda s: s._default_user_id(), required=True, string='Associated User', help='This is the user whose account the new authentication app/device' ' will be tied to', readonly=True, index=True, ) confirmation_code = fields.Char( string='Confirmation Code', help='Enter the latest six digit code generated by your authentication' ' app', required=True, )
@api.model def _default_user_id(self): user_id = self.env.context.get('uid') return self.env['res.users'].browse(user_id)
@api.multi @api.depends( 'secret_key', 'user_id.display_name', 'user_id.company_id.display_name', ) def _compute_qr_code_tag(self): for record in self: if not record.user_id: continue
totp = pyotp.TOTP(record.secret_key) provisioning_uri = totp.provisioning_uri( record.user_id.display_name, issuer_name=record.user_id.company_id.display_name, ) provisioning_uri = urllib.quote(provisioning_uri)
qr_width = qr_height = 300 tag_base = '<img src="/report/barcode/?type=QR&' tag_params = 'value=%s&width=%s&height=%s">' % ( provisioning_uri, qr_width, qr_height ) record.qr_code_tag = tag_base + tag_params
@api.multi def action_create(self): self.ensure_one() self._perform_validations() self._create_authenticator()
action_data = self.env.ref('base.action_res_users_my').read()[0] action_data.update({'res_id': self.user_id.id}) return action_data
@api.multi def _perform_validations(self): totp = pyotp.TOTP(self.secret_key) if not totp.verify(self.confirmation_code): raise ValidationError(_( 'Your confirmation code is not correct. Please try again,' ' making sure that your MFA device is set to the correct time' ' and that you have entered the most recent code generated by' ' your authentication app.' ))
@api.multi def _create_authenticator(self): self.env['res.users.authenticator'].create({ 'name': self.name, 'secret_key': self.secret_key, 'user_id': self.user_id.id, })