# Copyright 2019 Tecnativa - David Vidal # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import fields, models
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner"
customer_global_discount_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="global.discount", relation="customer_global_discount_rel", column1="partner_id", column2="global_discount_id", string="Sale Global Discounts", domain=[("discount_scope", "=", "sale")], ) supplier_global_discount_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="global.discount", relation="supplier_global_discount_rel", column1="partner_id", column2="global_discount_id", string="Purchase Global Discounts", domain=[("discount_scope", "=", "purchase")], ) # HACK: Looks like UI doesn't behave well with Many2many fields and # negative groups when the same field is shown. In this case, we want to # show the readonly version to any not in the global discount group. # TODO: Check in v14 if it's fixed customer_global_discount_ids_readonly = fields.Many2many( string="Sale Global Discounts (readonly)", related="customer_global_discount_ids", readonly=True, ) supplier_global_discount_ids_readonly = fields.Many2many( string="Purchase Global Discounts (readonly)", related="supplier_global_discount_ids", readonly=True, )