# Copyright 2014-2016 Therp BV <http://therp.nl> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). # pylint: disable=consider-merging-classes-inherited from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from ..identifier_adapter import IdentifierAdapter
class CleanupPurgeLineTable(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'cleanup.purge.line' _name = 'cleanup.purge.line.table' _description = 'Purge tables wizard lines'
wizard_id = fields.Many2one( 'cleanup.purge.wizard.table', 'Purge Wizard', readonly=True)
@api.multi def purge(self): """
Unlink tables upon manual confirmation. """
if self: objs = self else: objs = self.env['cleanup.purge.line.table']\ .browse(self._context.get('active_ids')) tables = objs.mapped('name') for line in objs: if line.purged: continue
# Retrieve constraints on the tables to be dropped # This query is referenced in numerous places # on the Internet but credits probably go to Tom Lane # in this post http://www.postgresql.org/\ # message-id/22895.1226088573@sss.pgh.pa.us # Only using the constraint name and the source table, # but I'm leaving the rest in for easier debugging self.env.cr.execute( """
SELECT conname, confrelid::regclass, af.attname AS fcol, conrelid::regclass, a.attname AS col FROM pg_attribute af, pg_attribute a, (SELECT conname, conrelid, confrelid,conkey[i] AS conkey, confkey[i] AS confkey FROM (select conname, conrelid, confrelid, conkey, confkey, generate_series(1,array_upper(conkey,1)) AS i FROM pg_constraint WHERE contype = 'f') ss) ss2 WHERE af.attnum = confkey AND af.attrelid = confrelid AND a.attnum = conkey AND a.attrelid = conrelid AND confrelid::regclass = '%s'::regclass; """, (IdentifierAdapter(line.name, quote=False),))
for constraint in self.env.cr.fetchall(): if constraint[3] in tables: self.logger.info( 'Dropping constraint %s on table %s (to be dropped)', constraint[0], constraint[3]) self.env.cr.execute( "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s", ( IdentifierAdapter(constraint[3]), IdentifierAdapter(constraint[0]) ))
self.logger.info( 'Dropping table %s', line.name) self.env.cr.execute( "DROP TABLE %s", (IdentifierAdapter(line.name),)) line.write({'purged': True}) return True
class CleanupPurgeWizardTable(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'cleanup.purge.wizard' _name = 'cleanup.purge.wizard.table' _description = 'Purge tables'
@api.model def find(self): """
Search for tables that cannot be instantiated. Ignore views for now. """
known_tables = [] for model in self.env['ir.model'].search([]): if model.model not in self.env: continue model_pool = self.env[model.model] known_tables.append(model_pool._table) known_tables += [ column.relation for column in model_pool._fields.values() if column.type == 'many2many' and (column.compute is None or column.store) ]
self.env.cr.execute( """
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_name NOT IN %s""", (tuple(known_tables),))
res = [(0, 0, {'name': row[0]}) for row in self.env.cr.fetchall()] if not res: raise UserError(_('No orphaned tables found')) return res
purge_line_ids = fields.One2many( 'cleanup.purge.line.table', 'wizard_id', 'Tables to purge')