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295 lines
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  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * auditlog
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 8.0\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  9. "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-22 09:51+0000\n"
  10. "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-22 09:51+0000\n"
  11. "Last-Translator: <>\n"
  12. "Language-Team: \n"
  13. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  14. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  15. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  16. "Plural-Forms: \n"
  17. #. module: auditlog
  18. #: field:auditlog.rule,action_id:0
  19. msgid "Action"
  20. msgstr "Action"
  21. #. module: auditlog
  22. #:,name:auditlog.menu_audit
  23. msgid "Audit"
  24. msgstr "Audit"
  25. #. module: auditlog
  26. #: model:ir.model,name:auditlog.model_auditlog_log
  27. msgid "Auditlog - Log"
  28. msgstr "Auditlog - Log"
  29. #. module: auditlog
  30. #: model:ir.model,name:auditlog.model_auditlog_log_line
  31. msgid "Auditlog - Log details (fields updated)"
  32. msgstr "Auditlog - Détails (champs modifiés)"
  33. #. module: auditlog
  34. #: model:ir.model,name:auditlog.model_auditlog_rule
  35. msgid "Auditlog - Rule"
  36. msgstr "Auditlog - Règle"
  37. #. module: auditlog
  38. #: field:auditlog.log,create_uid:0
  39. #: field:auditlog.log.line,create_uid:0
  40. #: field:auditlog.rule,create_uid:0
  41. msgid "Created by"
  42. msgstr ""
  43. #. module: auditlog
  44. #: field:auditlog.log,create_date:0
  45. #: field:auditlog.log.line,create_date:0
  46. #: field:auditlog.rule,create_date:0
  47. msgid "Created on"
  48. msgstr "Date"
  49. #. module: auditlog
  50. #: field:auditlog.log.line,field_description:0
  51. msgid "Description"
  52. msgstr "Description"
  53. #. module: auditlog
  54. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_search
  55. #: selection:auditlog.rule,state:0
  56. msgid "Draft"
  57. msgstr "Brouillon"
  58. #. module: auditlog
  59. #: field:auditlog.log.line,field_id:0
  60. msgid "Field"
  61. msgstr "Champ"
  62. #. module: auditlog
  63. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_form
  64. #: field:auditlog.log,line_ids:0
  65. msgid "Fields updated"
  66. msgstr "Champs modifiés"
  67. #. module: auditlog
  68. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_search
  69. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_search
  70. msgid "Group By..."
  71. msgstr "Grouper par..."
  72. #. module: auditlog
  73. #: field:auditlog.log,id:0
  74. #: field:auditlog.log.line,id:0
  75. #: field:auditlog.rule,id:0
  76. msgid "ID"
  77. msgstr "ID"
  78. #. module: auditlog
  79. #: field:auditlog.log,write_uid:0
  80. #: field:auditlog.log.line,write_uid:0
  81. #: field:auditlog.rule,write_uid:0
  82. msgid "Last Updated by"
  83. msgstr ""
  84. #. module: auditlog
  85. #: field:auditlog.log,write_date:0
  86. #: field:auditlog.log.line,write_date:0
  87. #: field:auditlog.rule,write_date:0
  88. msgid "Last Updated on"
  89. msgstr ""
  90. #. module: auditlog
  91. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_form
  92. #: field:auditlog.log.line,log_id:0
  93. msgid "Log"
  94. msgstr "Log"
  95. #. module: auditlog
  96. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_form
  97. msgid "Log - Field updated"
  98. msgstr "Log - Champs modifiés"
  99. #. module: auditlog
  100. #: field:auditlog.rule,log_create:0
  101. msgid "Log Creates"
  102. msgstr "Enregistrer les créations"
  103. #. module: auditlog
  104. #: field:auditlog.rule,log_unlink:0
  105. msgid "Log Deletes"
  106. msgstr "Enregistrer les suppressions"
  107. #. module: auditlog
  108. #: field:auditlog.rule,log_read:0
  109. msgid "Log Reads"
  110. msgstr "Enregistrer les lectures"
  111. #. module: auditlog
  112. #: field:auditlog.rule,log_write:0
  113. msgid "Log Writes"
  114. msgstr "Enregistrer les écritures"
  115. #. module: auditlog
  116. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_search
  117. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_tree
  118. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:auditlog.action_auditlog_log_tree
  119. #:,name:auditlog.menu_audit_logs
  120. msgid "Logs"
  121. msgstr "Journaux"
  122. #. module: auditlog
  123. #: field:auditlog.log,method:0
  124. msgid "Method"
  125. msgstr "Méthode"
  126. #. module: auditlog
  127. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_search
  128. #: field:auditlog.log,model_id:0
  129. #: field:auditlog.rule,model_id:0
  130. msgid "Model"
  131. msgstr "Modèle"
  132. #. module: auditlog
  133. #: field:auditlog.rule,name:0
  134. msgid "Name"
  135. msgstr "Nom"
  136. #. module: auditlog
  137. #: field:auditlog.log.line,new_value:0
  138. msgid "New Value"
  139. msgstr "Nouvelle valeur"
  140. #. module: auditlog
  141. #: field:auditlog.log.line,new_value_text:0
  142. msgid "New value Text"
  143. msgstr "Nouvelle valeur texte"
  144. #. module: auditlog
  145. #: field:auditlog.log.line,old_value:0
  146. msgid "Old Value"
  147. msgstr "Ancienne valeur"
  148. #. module: auditlog
  149. #: field:auditlog.log.line,old_value_text:0
  150. msgid "Old value Text"
  151. msgstr "Ancienne valeur texte"
  152. #. module: auditlog
  153. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_search
  154. #: field:auditlog.log,res_id:0
  155. msgid "Resource ID"
  156. msgstr "ID de l'enregistrement"
  157. #. module: auditlog
  158. #: field:auditlog.log,name:0
  159. msgid "Resource Name"
  160. msgstr "Nom de l'enregistrement"
  161. #. module: auditlog
  162. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_form
  163. msgid "Rule"
  164. msgstr "Règle"
  165. #. module: auditlog
  166. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_search
  167. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_tree
  168. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:auditlog.action_auditlog_rule_tree
  169. #:,name:auditlog.menu_action_auditlog_rule_tree
  170. msgid "Rules"
  171. msgstr "Règles"
  172. #. module: auditlog
  173. #: help:auditlog.rule,model_id:0
  174. msgid "Select model for which you want to generate log."
  175. msgstr "Sélectionnez le modèle pour lequel vous voulez générer un historique."
  176. #. module: auditlog
  177. #: help:auditlog.rule,log_create:0
  178. msgid "Select this if you want to keep track of creation on any record of the model of this rule"
  179. msgstr ""
  180. "Cochez cette case si vous voulez garder une trace de la création d'un nouvel "
  181. "enregistrement concernant le modèle défini dans cette règle."
  182. #. module: auditlog
  183. #: help:auditlog.rule,log_unlink:0
  184. msgid "Select this if you want to keep track of deletion on any record of the model of this rule"
  185. msgstr ""
  186. "Cochez cette case si vous voulez garder une trace des suppressions des "
  187. "enregistrements du modèle défini dans cette règle."
  188. #. module: auditlog
  189. #: help:auditlog.rule,log_write:0
  190. msgid "Select this if you want to keep track of modification on any record of the model of this rule"
  191. msgstr ""
  192. "Cochez cette case si vous voulez garder une trace des modifications sur "
  193. "chaque enregistrement du modèle défini dans cette règle."
  194. #. module: auditlog
  195. #: help:auditlog.rule,log_read:0
  196. msgid "Select this if you want to keep track of read/open on any record of the model of this rule"
  197. msgstr ""
  198. "Cochez cette case si vous voulez garder une trace de la lecture/ouverture de "
  199. "chaque enregistrement du modèle défini dans cette règle."
  200. #. module: auditlog
  201. #: field:auditlog.rule,state:0
  202. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_search
  203. msgid "State"
  204. msgstr "État"
  205. #. module: auditlog
  206. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_form
  207. msgid "Subscribe"
  208. msgstr "Abonner"
  209. #. module: auditlog
  210. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_search
  211. #: selection:auditlog.rule,state:0
  212. msgid "Subscribed"
  213. msgstr "Abonné"
  214. #. module: auditlog
  215. #: field:auditlog.log.line,field_name:0
  216. msgid "Technical name"
  217. msgstr "Nom technique"
  218. #. module: auditlog
  219. #: sql_constraint:auditlog.rule:0
  220. msgid "There is already a rule defined on this model\n"
  221. "You cannot define another: please edit the existing one."
  222. msgstr ""
  223. "Il existe déjà une règle définie sur ce modèle\n"
  224. "Vous ne pouvez pas en définir une nouvelle, vous devez modifier celle "
  225. "existante."
  226. #. module: auditlog
  227. #: view:auditlog.rule:auditlog.view_auditlog_rule_form
  228. msgid "Unsubscribe"
  229. msgstr "Désabonner"
  230. #. module: auditlog
  231. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_search
  232. #: field:auditlog.log,user_id:0
  233. msgid "User"
  234. msgstr "Utilisateur"
  235. #. module: auditlog
  236. #: field:auditlog.rule,user_id:0
  237. msgid "Users"
  238. msgstr "Utilisateurs"
  239. #. module: auditlog
  240. #: view:auditlog.log:auditlog.view_auditlog_log_form
  241. msgid "Values"
  242. msgstr "Valeurs"
  243. #. module: auditlog
  244. #: code:addons/auditlog/models/
  245. #, python-format
  246. msgid "View logs"
  247. msgstr "Consulter les journaux"