# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 ACSONE SA/NV # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
import mock from contextlib import contextmanager import odoo.tests.common as common
class TestOnchangeHelper(common.TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestOnchangeHelper, self).setUp() self.Category = self.env["test_onchange_helper.category"] self.Message = self.env["test_onchange_helper.message"] self.Discussion = self.env["test_onchange_helper.discussion"]
@contextmanager def assertNoOrmWrite(self, model): with mock.patch.object( model.__class__, "create" ) as mocked_create, mock.patch.object( model.__class__, "write" ) as mocked_write: yield mocked_create.assert_not_called() mocked_write.assert_not_called()
def test_play_onhanges_no_recompute(self): # play_onchanges must not trigger recomputes except if an onchange # method access a computed field. # changing 'discussion' should recompute 'name' values = {"name": "Cat Name"} self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(self.Category): result = self.Category.play_onchanges(values, ["name"]) self.assertNotIn("computed_display_name", result)
def test_play_onchanges_many2one_new_record(self): root = self.Category.create({"name": "root"})
values = {"name": "test", "parent": root.id, "root_categ": False}
self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(self.Category): result = self.Category.play_onchanges(values, "parent") self.assertIn("root_categ", result) self.assertEqual(result["root_categ"], root.id)
values.update(result) values["parent"] = False
self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(self.Category): result = self.Category.play_onchanges(values, "parent") # since the root_categ is already False into values the field is not # changed by the onchange self.assertNotIn("root_categ", result)
def test_play_onchanges_many2one_existing_record(self): root = self.Category.create({"name": "root"})
values = {"name": "test", "parent": root.id, "root_categ": False}
self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(self.Category): result = self.Category.play_onchanges(values, "parent") self.assertIn("root_categ", result) self.assertEqual(result["root_categ"], root.id)
# create child catefory values.update(result) child = self.Category.create(values) self.assertEqual(root.id, child.root_categ.id)
# since the parent is set to False and the root_categ values = {"parent": False} self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(child): result = child.play_onchanges(values, "parent")
self.assertIn("root_categ", result) self.assertEqual(result["root_categ"], False)
def test_play_onchange_one2many_new_record(self): """ test the effect of play_onchanges() on one2many fields on new
BODY = "What a beautiful day!" USER = self.env.user
# create an independent message message = self.Message.create({"body": BODY})
# modify discussion name values = { "name": "Foo", "categories": [], "moderator": False, "participants": [], "messages": [ (4, message.id), ( 0, 0, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("", USER.name), "body": BODY, "author": USER.id, "important": False, }, ), ], } self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(self.Discussion): result = self.Discussion.play_onchanges(values, "name") self.assertIn("messages", result) self.assertItemsEqual( result["messages"], [ (5,), ( 1, message.id, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("Foo", USER.name), "body": "not last dummy message", "author": message.author.id, "important": message.important, }, ), ( 0, 0, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("Foo", USER.name), "body": "not last dummy message", "author": USER.id, "important": False, }, ), ( 0, 0, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("Foo", USER.name), "body": "dummy message", "author": USER.id, "important": True, }, ), ], )
self.assertIn("important_messages", result) self.assertItemsEqual( result["important_messages"], [ (5,), ( 0, 0, { "author": USER.id, "body": "dummy message", "important": True, }, ), ], )
def test_play_onchange_one2many_existing_record(self): """ test the effect of play_onchanges() on one2many fields on existing
BODY = "What a beautiful day!" USER = self.env.user
# create an independent message message = self.Message.create({"body": BODY})
# modify discussion name values = { "name": "Foo", "categories": [], "moderator": False, "participants": [], "messages": [ (4, message.id), ( 0, 0, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("", USER.name), "body": BODY, "author": USER.id, "important": False, }, ), ], } discussion = self.Discussion.create(values)
values = {"name": "New foo"} with self.assertNoOrmWrite(discussion): result = discussion.play_onchanges(values, "name") self.assertIn("messages", result) self.assertItemsEqual( result["messages"], [ (5,), ( 1, discussion.messages[0].id, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("New foo", USER.name), "body": "not last dummy message", "author": message.author.id, "important": message.important, "discussion": discussion.id, }, ), ( 1, discussion.messages[1].id, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("New foo", USER.name), "body": "not last dummy message", "author": USER.id, "important": False, "discussion": discussion.id, }, ), ( 0, 0, { "name": "[%s] %s" % ("New foo", USER.name), "body": "dummy message", "author": USER.id, "important": True, "discussion": discussion.id, }, ), ], )
self.assertIn("important_messages", result) self.assertItemsEqual( result["important_messages"], [ (5,), ( 0, 0, { "author": USER.id, "body": "dummy message", "important": True, "discussion": discussion.id, }, ), ], )
def test_onchange_specific(self): """test that only the id is added if a new item is added to an
existing relation"""
discussion = self.env.ref("test_onchange_helper.discussion_demo_0") demo = self.env.ref("base.user_demo")
# first remove demo user from participants discussion.participants -= demo self.assertNotIn(demo, discussion.participants)
# check that demo_user is added to participants when set as moderator values = { "name": discussion.name, "moderator": demo.id, "categories": [(4, cat.id) for cat in discussion.categories], "messages": [(4, msg.id) for msg in discussion.messages], "participants": [(4, usr.id) for usr in discussion.participants], } self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(discussion): result = discussion.play_onchanges(values, "moderator")
self.assertIn("participants", result) self.assertItemsEqual( result["participants"], [(5,)] + [(4, user.id) for user in discussion.participants + demo], )
def test_onchange_one2many_value(self): """ test that the values provided for a one2many field inside are used
by the play_onchanges """
discussion = self.env.ref("test_onchange_helper.discussion_demo_0") demo = self.env.ref("base.user_demo")
self.assertEqual(len(discussion.messages), 3) messages = [(4, msg.id) for msg in discussion.messages] messages[0] = (1, messages[0][1], {"body": "test onchange"}) values = { "name": discussion.name, "moderator": demo.id, "categories": [(4, cat.id) for cat in discussion.categories], "messages": messages, "participants": [(4, usr.id) for usr in discussion.participants], "message_concat": False, } with self.assertNoOrmWrite(discussion): result = discussion.play_onchanges(values, "messages") self.assertIn("message_concat", result) self.assertEqual( result["message_concat"], "\n".join( ["%s:%s" % (m.name, m.body) for m in discussion.messages] ), )
def test_onchange_one2many_line(self): """ test that changes on a field used as first position into the
related path of a related field will trigger the onchange also on the related field """
partner = self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1") multi = self.env["test_onchange_helper.multi"].create( {"partner": partner.id} ) line = multi.lines.create({"multi": multi.id})
values = multi._convert_to_write( {key: multi[key] for key in ("partner", "lines")} ) self.assertEqual( values, {"partner": partner.id, "lines": [(6, 0, [line.id])]} )
# modify 'partner' # -> set 'partner' on all lines # -> recompute 'name' (related on partner) # -> set 'name' on all lines partner = self.env.ref("base.res_partner_2") values = { "partner": partner.id, "lines": [ (6, 0, [line.id]), (0, 0, {"name": False, "partner": False}), ], }
self.env.invalidate_all() with self.assertNoOrmWrite(multi): result = multi.play_onchanges(values, "partner") self.assertEqual( result, { "name": partner.name, "lines": [ (5,), ( 1, line.id, { "name": partner.name, "partner": partner.id, "multi": multi.id, }, ), ( 0, 0, { "name": partner.name, "partner": partner.id, "multi": multi.id, }, ), ], }, )