# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2015 Antiun Ingeniería S.L. - Antonio Espinosa # Copyright 2015-2016 Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from openerp import models, fields, api, exceptions from openerp.tools.translate import _
class IrExportsLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.exports.line' _order = 'sequence,id'
name = fields.Char( required=False, readonly=True, store=True, compute="_compute_name", inverse="_inverse_name", help="Field's technical name.") field1_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model.fields", "First field", domain="[('model_id', '=', model1_id)]") field2_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model.fields", "Second field", domain="[('model_id', '=', model2_id)]") field3_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model.fields", "Third field", domain="[('model_id', '=', model3_id)]") model1_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", "First model", readonly=True, default=lambda self: self._default_model1_id(), related="export_id.model_id") model2_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", "Second model", compute="_compute_model2_id") model3_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", "Third model", compute="_compute_model3_id") sequence = fields.Integer() label = fields.Char( compute="_compute_label")
@api.model def _default_model1_id(self): """Default model depending on context.""" return self.env.context.get("default_model1_id", False)
@api.multi @api.depends("field1_id", "field2_id", "field3_id") def _compute_name(self): """Get the name from the selected fields.""" for s in self: s.name = "/".join((s.field_n(num).name for num in range(1, 4) if s.field_n(num)))
@api.multi @api.depends("field1_id") def _compute_model2_id(self): """Get the related model for the second field.""" ir_model = self.env["ir.model"] for s in self: s.model2_id = ( s.field1_id.ttype and "2" in s.field1_id.ttype and ir_model.search([("model", "=", s.field1_id.relation)]))
@api.multi @api.depends("field2_id") def _compute_model3_id(self): """Get the related model for the third field.""" ir_model = self.env["ir.model"] for s in self: s.model3_id = ( s.field2_id.ttype and "2" in s.field2_id.ttype and ir_model.search([("model", "=", s.field2_id.relation)]))
@api.multi @api.depends('name') def _compute_label(self): """Column label in a user-friendly format and language.""" translations = self.env["ir.translation"] for s in self: parts = list() for num in range(1, 4): field = s.field_n(num) if not field: break
# Translate label if possible parts.append( translations.search([ ("type", "=", "field"), ("lang", "=", self.env.context.get("lang")), ("name", "=", "%s,%s" % (s.model_n(num).model, field.name)), ]).value or field.display_name) s.label = ("%s (%s)" % ("/".join(parts), s.name) if parts and s.name else False)
@api.multi def _inverse_name(self): """Get the fields from the name.""" for s in self: # Field names can have up to only 3 indentation levels parts = s.name.split("/", 2)
for num in range(1, 4): try: # Fail in excessive subfield level field_name = parts[num - 1] except IndexError: # Remove subfield on failure s[s.field_n(num, True)] = False else: model = s.model_n(num) s[s.field_n(num, True)] = self._get_field_id( model, field_name)
@api.one @api.constrains("field1_id", "field2_id", "field3_id") def _check_name(self): if not self.label: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("Field '%s' does not exist") % self.name) lines = self.search([('export_id', '=', self.export_id.id), ('name', '=', self.name)]) if len(lines) > 1: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("Field '%s' already exists") % self.name)
@api.model def _install_base_export_manager(self): """Populate ``field*_id`` fields.""" self.search([("export_id", "=", False)]).unlink() lines = self.search( [("field1_id", "=", False), ("name", "!=", False)]) for line in lines: try: line._inverse_name() except: # Prevent possible inexisting fields pass
@api.model def _get_field_id(self, model, name): """Get a field object from its model and name.
:param int model: ``ir.model`` object that contains the field.
:param str name: Technical name of the field, like ``child_ids``. """
return self.env["ir.model.fields"].search( [("name", "=", name), ("model_id", "=", model.id)])
@api.multi def field_n(self, n, only_name=False): """Helper to choose the field according to its indentation level.
:param int n: Number of the indentation level to choose the field, from 1 to 3.
:param bool only_name: Return only the field name, or return its value. """
name = "field%d_id" % n return name if only_name else self[name]
@api.multi def model_n(self, n, only_name=False): """Helper to choose the model according to its indentation level.
:param int n: Number of the indentation level to choose the model, from 1 to 3.
:param bool only_name: Return only the model name, or return its value. """
name = "model%d_id" % n return name if only_name else self[name]