diff --git a/attachment_queue/__manifest__.py b/attachment_queue/__manifest__.py
index ece97f5a2..54b8225a5 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/__manifest__.py
+++ b/attachment_queue/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,27 +2,22 @@
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
- 'name': 'Attachment Queue',
- 'version': '',
- 'author': 'Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)',
- 'summary': "Base module that add the concept of queue for processing file",
- 'website': 'https://github.com/OCA/server-tools',
- 'maintainers': ['florian-dacosta', 'sebastienbeau'],
- 'license': 'AGPL-3',
- 'category': 'Generic Modules',
- 'depends': [
- 'base',
- 'mail',
+ "name": "Attachment Queue",
+ "version": "",
+ "author": "Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)",
+ "summary": "Base module adding the concept of queue for processing file",
+ "website": "https://github.com/OCA/server-tools",
+ "maintainers": ["florian-dacosta", "sebastienbeau"],
+ "license": "AGPL-3",
+ "category": "Generic Modules",
+ "depends": ["base", "mail"],
+ "data": [
+ "views/attachment_queue_view.xml",
+ "security/ir.model.access.csv",
+ "data/cron.xml",
+ "data/ir_config_parameter.xml",
+ "data/mail_template.xml",
- 'data': [
- 'views/attachment_queue_view.xml',
- 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
- 'data/cron.xml',
- 'data/ir_config_parameter.xml',
- 'data/mail_template.xml',
- ],
- 'demo': [
- 'demo/attachment_queue_demo.xml'
- ],
- 'installable': True,
+ "demo": ["demo/attachment_queue_demo.xml"],
+ "installable": True,
diff --git a/attachment_queue/models/attachment_queue.py b/attachment_queue/models/attachment_queue.py
index 72e057ced..4c058dac3 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/models/attachment_queue.py
+++ b/attachment_queue/models/attachment_queue.py
@@ -1,36 +1,42 @@
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
import logging
-from odoo import api, fields, models, registry
+from odoo import api, fields, models, registry
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AttachmentQueue(models.Model):
- _name = 'attachment.queue'
- _inherits = {'ir.attachment': 'attachment_id'}
- _inherit = ['mail.thread']
+ _name = "attachment.queue"
+ _inherits = {"ir.attachment": "attachment_id"}
+ _inherit = ["mail.thread"]
attachment_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'ir.attachment', required=True, ondelete='cascade',
- help="Link to ir.attachment model ")
+ "ir.attachment",
+ required=True,
+ ondelete="cascade",
+ help="Link to ir.attachment model ",
+ )
file_type = fields.Selection(
help="The file type determines an import method to be used "
- "to parse and transform data before their import in ERP or an export")
+ "to parse and transform data before their import in ERP or an export",
+ )
date_done = fields.Datetime()
- state = fields.Selection([
- ('pending', 'Pending'),
- ('failed', 'Failed'),
- ('done', 'Done'),
- ], readonly=False, required=True, default='pending')
+ state = fields.Selection(
+ [("pending", "Pending"), ("failed", "Failed"), ("done", "Done")],
+ readonly=False,
+ required=True,
+ default="pending",
+ )
state_message = fields.Text()
failure_emails = fields.Char(
- compute='_compute_failure_emails',
+ compute="_compute_failure_emails",
string="Failure Emails",
- help="list of email (separated by comma) which should be notified in "
- "case of failure")
+ help="Comma-separated list of email addresses to be notified in case of"
+ "failure",
+ )
def _compute_failure_emails(self):
for attach in self:
@@ -44,10 +50,10 @@ class AttachmentQueue(models.Model):
def run_attachment_queue_scheduler(self, domain=None):
if domain is None:
- domain = [('state', '=', 'pending')]
+ domain = [("state", "=", "pending")]
batch_limit = self.env.ref(
- 'attachment_queue.attachment_queue_cron_batch_limit') \
- .value
+ "attachment_queue.attachment_queue_cron_batch_limit"
+ ).value
if batch_limit and batch_limit.isdigit():
limit = int(batch_limit)
@@ -62,12 +68,14 @@ class AttachmentQueue(models.Model):
Run the process for each attachment queue
failure_tmpl = self.env.ref(
- 'attachment_queue.attachment_failure_notification')
+ "attachment_queue.attachment_failure_notification"
+ )
for attachment in self:
with api.Environment.manage():
with registry(self.env.cr.dbname).cursor() as new_cr:
new_env = api.Environment(
- new_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context)
+ new_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context
+ )
attach = attachment.with_env(new_env)
@@ -75,32 +83,29 @@ class AttachmentQueue(models.Model):
except Exception as e:
- attach.write({
- 'state': 'failed',
- 'state_message': str(e),
- })
+ attach.write(
+ {"state": "failed", "state_message": str(e)}
+ )
emails = attach.failure_emails
if emails:
vals = {
- 'state': 'done',
- 'date_done': fields.Datetime.now(),
+ "state": "done",
+ "date_done": fields.Datetime.now(),
return True
- @api.multi
def _run(self):
- _logger.info('Start to process attachment queue id %d', self.id)
+ _logger.info("Starting processing of attachment queue id %d", self.id)
- @api.multi
def set_done(self):
Manually set to done
message = "Manually set to done by %s" % self.env.user.name
- self.write({'state_message': message, 'state': 'done'})
+ self.write({"state_message": message, "state": "done"})
diff --git a/attachment_queue/readme/DESCRIPTION.rst b/attachment_queue/readme/DESCRIPTION.rst
index a5e20daee..57bac75fd 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/readme/DESCRIPTION.rst
+++ b/attachment_queue/readme/DESCRIPTION.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-This module implement a queue for processing file.
-File are stored in Odoo standard ir.attachment.
-The attachments will be processed depending on their type.
+This module adds async processing capabilities to attachments by implementing a new model attachment.queue that wraps attachments and stores additional information so that it can be processed in an asynchronous way.
-An example of the use of this module, can be found in the module `attachment_synchronize`.
+A use case of this module can be found in the attachment_synchronize module.
diff --git a/attachment_queue/readme/USAGE.rst b/attachment_queue/readme/USAGE.rst
index ec276d247..a97a271e5 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/readme/USAGE.rst
+++ b/attachment_queue/readme/USAGE.rst
@@ -6,3 +6,12 @@ Configure the batch limit for attachments that can be sync by the cron task at a
Settings > Technical > System parameters > attachment_queue_cron_batch_limit
+image:: ../static/description/tree.png
+This module can be used in combination with attachment_synchronize to control file processing workflow
+image:: ../static/description/form.png
diff --git a/attachment_queue/static/description/form.png b/attachment_queue/static/description/form.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbc9f6aa6
Binary files /dev/null and b/attachment_queue/static/description/form.png differ
diff --git a/attachment_queue/static/description/tree.png b/attachment_queue/static/description/tree.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4dcc92fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/attachment_queue/static/description/tree.png differ
diff --git a/attachment_queue/tests/test_attachment_queue.py b/attachment_queue/tests/test_attachment_queue.py
index fc29f902f..74d368f2b 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/tests/test_attachment_queue.py
+++ b/attachment_queue/tests/test_attachment_queue.py
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
-from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
import odoo
from odoo import api
+from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
class TestAttachmentBaseQueue(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.env = api.Environment(self.registry.test_cr, self.env.uid,
- self.env.context)
- self.attachment = self.env.ref('attachment_queue.attachment_queue_demo')
+ self.env = api.Environment(
+ self.registry.test_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context
+ )
+ self.attachment = self.env.ref(
+ "attachment_queue.attachment_queue_demo"
+ )
def tearDown(self):
@@ -21,30 +23,17 @@ class TestAttachmentBaseQueue(TransactionCase):
def test_attachment_queue(self):
"""Test run_attachment_queue_scheduler to ensure set state to done
- self.assertEqual(
- self.attachment.state,
- 'pending'
- )
- self.env['attachment.queue'].run_attachment_queue_scheduler()
+ self.assertEqual(self.attachment.state, "pending")
+ self.env["attachment.queue"].run_attachment_queue_scheduler()
with odoo.registry(self.env.cr.dbname).cursor() as new_cr:
- new_env = api.Environment(
- new_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context)
+ new_env = api.Environment(new_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context)
attach = self.attachment.with_env(new_env)
- self.assertEqual(
- attach.state,
- 'done'
- )
+ self.assertEqual(attach.state, "done")
def test_set_done(self):
"""Test set_done manually
- self.assertEqual(
- self.attachment.state,
- 'pending'
- )
+ self.assertEqual(self.attachment.state, "pending")
- self.assertEqual(
- self.attachment.state,
- 'done'
- )
+ self.assertEqual(self.attachment.state, "done")
diff --git a/attachment_queue/views/attachment_queue_view.xml b/attachment_queue/views/attachment_queue_view.xml
index f8bc7c9d3..f83f60a72 100644
--- a/attachment_queue/views/attachment_queue_view.xml
+++ b/attachment_queue/views/attachment_queue_view.xml
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@