@ -13,3 +13,18 @@ truthy if the user is supposed to be a member of the group and falsy if not. |
There is a constraint on the field to check for validity if this expression. |
When you're satisfied, click the button `Evaluate` to prefill the group's |
members. The condition will be checked now for every user who logs in. |
Example |
------- |
We have a group called `Amsterdam` and want it to contain all users from |
city of Amsterdam. So we use the membership condition |
``` |
user.partner_id.city == 'Amsterdam' |
``` |
Now we can be sure every user living in this city is in the right group, and we |
can start assigning local menus to it, adjust permissions, etc. Keep in mind |
that view overrides can also be restricted by a group id, this gives a lot of |
possibilities to dynamically adapt views based on arbitrary properties |
reachable via the user record. |