Browse Source

[PEP8] import_odbc

Yannick Vaucher 10 years ago
  1. 29
  2. 40


@ -29,11 +29,21 @@ Import data directly from other databases.
Installed in the Administration module, menu Configuration -> Import from SQL.
* Fetched data from the databases are used to build lines equivalent to regular import files. These are imported using the standard "import_data()" ORM method, benefiting from all its features, including xml_ids.
* Each table import is defined by an SQL statement, used to build the equivalent for an import file. Each column's name should match the column names you would use in an import file. The first column must provide an unique identifier for the record, and will be used to build its xml_id.
* SQL columns named "none" are ignored. This can be used for the first column of the SQL, so that it's used to build the XML Id but it's not imported to any OpenERP field.
* The last sync date is the last successfull execution can be used in the SQL using "%(sync)s", or ":sync" in the case of Oracle.
* When errors are found, only the record with the error fails import. The other correct records are commited. However, the "last sync date" will only be automaticaly updated when no errors are found.
* Fetched data from the databases are used to build lines equivalent to
regular import files. These are imported using the standard "import_data()"
ORM method, benefiting from all its features, including xml_ids.
* Each table import is defined by an SQL statement, used to build the
equivalent for an import file. Each column's name should match the column
names you would use in an import file. The first column must provide an
unique identifier for the record, and will be used to build its xml_id.
* SQL columns named "none" are ignored. This can be used for the first column
of the SQL, so that it's used to build the XML Id but it's not imported to
any OpenERP field.
* The last sync date is the last successfull execution can be used in the SQL
using "%(sync)s", or ":sync" in the case of Oracle.
* When errors are found, only the record with the error fails import. The
other correct records are commited. However, the "last sync date" will only
be automaticaly updated when no errors are found.
* The import execution can be scheduled to run automatically.
@ -54,9 +64,12 @@ Examples:
Improvements ideas waiting for a contributor:
* Allow to import many2one fields (currently not supported). Done by adding a second SQL sentence to get child record list?
* Allow "import sets" that can be executed at different time intervals using different scheduler jobs.
* Allow to inactivate/delete OpenERP records when not present in an SQL result set.
* Allow to import many2one fields (currently not supported). Done by adding a
second SQL sentence to get child record list?
* Allow "import sets" that can be executed at different time intervals using
different scheduler jobs.
* Allow to inactivate/delete OpenERP records when not present in an SQL
result set.


@ -90,23 +90,23 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
errmsg = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
if errmsg and not table_obj.ignore_rel_errors:
# Fail
append_to_log(log, 'ERROR', data, errmsg)
log['last_error_count'] += 1
return False
if errmsg and table_obj.ignore_rel_errors:
#Warn and retry ignoring many2one fields...
# Warn and retry ignoring many2one fields...
append_to_log(log, 'WARN', data, errmsg)
log['last_warn_count'] += 1
#Try ignoring each many2one (tip: in the SQL sentence select more problematic FKs first)
# Try ignoring each many2one (tip: in the SQL sentence select more problematic FKs first)
i = find_m2o(cols)
if i >= 0:
#Try again without the [i] column
# Try again without the [i] column
del cols[i]
del data[i]
self._import_data(cr, uid, cols, data, model_obj, table_obj, log)
# Fail
append_to_log(log, 'ERROR', data, 'Removed all m2o keys and still fails.')
log['last_error_count'] += 1
return False
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
actions =, uid, ids, ['id', 'exec_order'])
actions.sort(key=lambda x: (x['exec_order'], x['id']))
#Consider each dbtable:
# Consider each dbtable:
for action_ref in actions:
obj = self.browse(cr, uid, action_ref['id'])
if not obj.enabled:
@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
_logger.setLevel(obj.raise_import_errors and logging.DEBUG or _loglvl)
_logger.debug('Importing %s...' %
#now() microseconds are stripped to avoid problem with SQL smalldate
#TODO: convert UTC Now to local timezone
# now() microseconds are stripped to avoid problem with SQL smalldate
# TODO: convert UTC Now to local timezone
model_name = obj.model_target.model
model_obj = self.pool.get(model_name)
xml_prefix = model_name.replace('.', '_') + "_id_"
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
'last_log': list()}
self.write(cr, uid, [], log)
#Prepare SQL sentence; replace "%s" with the last_sync date
# Prepare SQL sentence; replace "%s" with the last_sync date
if obj.last_sync:
sync = datetime.strptime(obj.last_sync, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
@ -149,30 +149,30 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
res = db_model.execute(cr, uid, [],
obj.sql_source, params, metadata=True)
#Exclude columns titled "None"; add (xml_)"id" column
# Exclude columns titled "None"; add (xml_)"id" column
cidx = [i for i, x in enumerate(res['cols']) if x.upper() != 'NONE']
cols = [x for i, x in enumerate(res['cols']) if x.upper() != 'NONE'] + ['id']
#Import each row:
# Import each row:
for row in res['rows']:
#Build data row; import only columns present in the "cols" list
# Build data row; import only columns present in the "cols" list
data = list()
for i in cidx:
#TODO: Handle imported datetimes properly - convert from localtime to UTC!
# TODO: Handle imported datetimes properly - convert from localtime to UTC!
v = row[i]
if isinstance(v, str):
v = v.strip()
data.append(xml_prefix + str(row[0]).strip())
#Import the row; on error, write line to the log
# Import the row; on error, write line to the log
log['last_record_count'] += 1
self._import_data(cr, uid, cols, data, model_obj, obj, log)
if log['last_record_count'] % 500 == 0:'...%s rows processed...' % (log['last_record_count']))
#Finished importing all rows
#If no errors, write new sync date
# Finished importing all rows
# If no errors, write new sync date
if not (log['last_error_count'] or log['last_warn_count']):
log['last_sync'] = log['start_run']
level = logging.DEBUG
@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
_logger.log(level, 'Imported %s , %d rows, %d errors, %d warnings.' % (
model_name, log['last_record_count'], log['last_error_count'],
#Write run log, either if the table import is active or inactive
# Write run log, either if the table import is active or inactive
if log['last_log']:
log['last_log'].insert(0, 'LEVEL|== Line == |== Relationship ==|== Message ==')
log.update({'last_log': '\n'.join(log['last_log'])})
self.write(cr, uid, [], log)
# Finished
_logger.debug('Import job FINISHED.')
return True
@ -214,5 +214,3 @@ class import_odbc_dbtable(orm.Model):
'res_id': new_create_id,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',