With module admin_technical_features installed, base_import unittests fail with
in the following test:
test_shallow (openerp.addons.base_import.tests.test_cases.test_o2m)
Having technical features enabled add the following to the dict in
{'fields': [{'fields': [],
'id': 'parent_id',
'name': 'id',
'required': False,
'string': 'External ID'},
{'fields': [],
'id': 'parent_id',
'name': '.id',
'required': False,
'string': 'Database ID'}],
'id': 'parent_id',
'name': 'parent_id',
'required': False,
'string': 'unknown'}
In order to get visibility on https://www.odoo.com/apps the OCA board has
decided to add the OCA as author of all the addons maintained as part of the