[IMP] Add OCA as an author
[IMP] Add Bug Tracker section in description
[IMP] Update description template
[ADD] Initial version of prototype
[IMP] Add wizard for API version and templates. Update translation file
[ADD] Security template files
[ADD] Filters for data and demo data
[IMP] prototype: no more bug when no icon, commented no implemented page in the view.
[IMP] prototype: better management of special cases.
[IMP] prototype: prototype.py removed print statement and shadowing of "fields".
[IMP] prototype -> module_prototyper
[IMP] module_prototyper: gathered menuitems that is helpfull to create a prototype under the menu 'Module Prototypes'
[IMP] module_prototyper: more comment and docstrings.
[IMP] module_prototyper: translations.
[FIX] module_prototyper: pep8
[FIX] module_prototyper: fix typo in tests.
[IMP] update module_prototyper:
* pump up the version of the module to 0.3
* replace ir.ui.model by ir.ui.view in generated xml views
* improve pep8 compatibility of generation of models
[IMP] update module_prototyper: update of README with versions.