# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Vauxoo - https://www.vauxoo.com/ # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging import traceback from odoo import api, exceptions, fields, models, tools from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from odoo.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import ipaddress except ImportError as err: _logger.debug(err) class WebhookAddress(models.Model): _name = 'webhook.address' name = fields.Char( 'IP or Network Address', required=True, help='IP or network address of your consumer webhook:\n' 'ip address e.g.:\n' 'network address e.g. of:', ) webhook_id = fields.Many2one( 'webhook', 'Webhook', required=True, ondelete='cascade') class Webhook(models.Model): _name = 'webhook' name = fields.Char( 'Consumer name', required=True, help='Name of your consumer webhook. ' 'This name will be used in named of event methods') address_ids = fields.One2many( 'webhook.address', 'webhook_id', 'IP or Network Address', required=True, help='This address will be filter to know who is ' 'consumer webhook') python_code_get_event = fields.Text( 'Get event', required=True, help='Python code to get event from request data.\n' 'You have object.env.request variable with full ' 'webhook request.', default='# You can use object.env.request variable ' 'to get full data of webhook request.\n' '# Example:\n#request.httprequest.' 'headers.get("X-Github-Event")', ) python_code_get_ip = fields.Text( 'Get IP', required=True, help='Python code to get remote IP address ' 'from request data.\n' 'You have object.env.request variable with full ' 'webhook request.', default='# You can use object.env.request variable ' 'to get full data of webhook request.\n' '# Example:\n' '#object.env.request.httprequest.remote_addr' '\nrequest.httprequest.remote_addr', ) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) @api.multi def process_python_code(self, python_code, request=None): """ Execute a python code with eval. :param string python_code: Python code to process :param object request: Request object with data of json and http request :return: Result of process python code. """ self.ensure_one() res = None eval_dict = { 'user': self.env.user, 'object': self, 'request': request, # copy context to prevent side-effects of eval 'context': dict(self.env.context), } try: res = safe_eval(python_code, eval_dict) except BaseException: error = tools.ustr(traceback.format_exc()) _logger.debug( 'python_code "%s" with dict [%s] error [%s]', python_code, eval_dict, error) if isinstance(res, basestring): res = tools.ustr(res) return res @api.model def search_with_request(self, request): """ Method to search of all webhook and return only one that match with remote address and range of address. :param object request: Request object with data of json and http request :return: object of webhook found or if not found then return False """ for webhook in self.search([]): remote_address = webhook.process_python_code( webhook.python_code_get_ip, request) if not remote_address: continue if webhook.is_address_range(remote_address): return webhook return False @api.multi def is_address_range(self, remote_address): """ Check if a remote IP address is in range of one IP or network address of current object data. :param string remote_address: Remote IP address :return: if remote address match then return True else then return False """ self.ensure_one() for address in self.address_ids: ipn = ipaddress.ip_network(u'' + address.name) hosts = [host.exploded for host in ipn.hosts()] hosts.append(address.name) if remote_address in hosts: return True return False @api.model def get_event_methods(self, event_method_base): """ List all methods of current object that start with base name. e.g. if exists methods called 'x1', 'x2' and other ones called 'y1', 'y2' if you have event_method_base='x' Then will return ['x1', 'x2'] :param string event_method_base: Name of method event base returns: List of methods with that start wtih method base """ # TODO: Filter just callable attributes return sorted( attr for attr in dir(self) if attr.startswith( event_method_base) ) @api.model def get_ping_events(self): """ List all name of event type ping. This event is a dummy event just to know if a provider is working. :return: List with names of ping events """ return ['ping'] @api.multi def run_webhook(self, request): """ Run methods to process a webhook event. Get all methods with base name 'run_CONSUMER_EVENT*' Invoke all methods found. :param object request: Request object with data of json and http request :return: True """ self.ensure_one() event = self.process_python_code( self.python_code_get_event, request) if not event: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_( 'event is not defined')) method_event_name_base = \ 'run_' + self.name + \ '_' + event methods_event_name = self.get_event_methods(method_event_name_base) if not methods_event_name: # if is a 'ping' event then return True # because the request is received fine. if event in self.get_ping_events(): return True raise exceptions.ValidationError(_( 'Not defined methods "%s" yet' % ( method_event_name_base))) self.env.request = request for method_event_name in methods_event_name: method = getattr(self, method_event_name) res_method = method() if isinstance(res_method, list) and len(res_method) == 1: if res_method[0] is NotImplemented: _logger.debug( 'Not implemented method "%s" yet', method_event_name) return True