# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016-2017 LasLabs Inc. # License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). from datetime import datetime, timedelta import json from werkzeug.contrib.securecookie import SecureCookie from openerp import _, http, registry, SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.api import Environment from openerp.http import Response, request from openerp.addons.web.controllers.main import Home from ..exceptions import MfaTokenInvalidError, MfaTokenExpiredError class JsonSecureCookie(SecureCookie): serialization_method = json class AuthTotp(Home): @http.route() def web_login(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add MFA logic to the web_login action in Home Overview: * Call web_login in Home * Return the result of that call if the user has not logged in yet using a password, does not have MFA enabled, or has a valid trusted device cookie * If none of these is true, generate a new MFA login token for the user, log the user out, and redirect to the MFA login form """ # sudo() is required because there may be no request.env.uid (likely # since there may be no user logged in at the start of the request) user_model_sudo = request.env['res.users'].sudo() config_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['ir.config_parameter'] response = super(AuthTotp, self).web_login(*args, **kwargs) if not request.params.get('login_success'): return response user = user_model_sudo.browse(request.uid) if not user.mfa_enabled: return response cookie_key = 'trusted_devices_%d' % user.id device_cookie = request.httprequest.cookies.get(cookie_key) if device_cookie: secret = config_model_sudo.get_param('database.secret') device_cookie = JsonSecureCookie.unserialize(device_cookie, secret) if device_cookie.get('device_id') in user.trusted_device_ids.ids: return response user.generate_mfa_login_token() request.session.logout(keep_db=True) request.params['login_success'] = False return http.local_redirect( '/auth_totp/login', query={ 'mfa_login_token': user.mfa_login_token, 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), }, keep_hash=True, ) @http.route( '/auth_totp/login', type='http', auth='public', methods=['GET'], website=True, ) def mfa_login_get(self, *args, **kwargs): return request.render('auth_totp.mfa_login', qcontext=request.params) @http.route('/auth_totp/login', type='http', auth='none', methods=['POST']) def mfa_login_post(self, *args, **kwargs): """Process MFA login attempt Overview: * Try to find a user based on the MFA login token. If this doesn't work, redirect to the password login page with an error message * Validate the confirmation code provided by the user. If it's not valid, redirect to the previous login step with an error message * Generate a long-term MFA login token for the user and log the user in using the token * Build a trusted device cookie and add it to the response if the trusted device option was checked * Redirect to the provided URL or to '/web' if one was not given """ # sudo() is required because there is no request.env.uid (likely since # there is no user logged in at the start of the request) user_model_sudo = request.env['res.users'].sudo() device_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['res.users.device'] config_model_sudo = user_model_sudo.env['ir.config_parameter'] token = request.params.get('mfa_login_token') try: user = user_model_sudo.user_from_mfa_login_token(token) except (MfaTokenInvalidError, MfaTokenExpiredError) as exception: return http.local_redirect( '/web/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': exception.message, }, keep_hash=True, ) confirmation_code = request.params.get('confirmation_code') if not user.validate_mfa_confirmation_code(confirmation_code): return http.local_redirect( '/auth_totp/login', query={ 'redirect': request.params.get('redirect'), 'error': _( 'Your confirmation code is not correct. Please try' ' again.' ), 'mfa_login_token': token, }, keep_hash=True, ) # These context managers trigger a safe commit, which persists the # changes right away and is needed for the auth call with Environment.manage(): with registry(request.db).cursor() as temp_cr: temp_env = Environment(temp_cr, SUPERUSER_ID, request.context) temp_user = temp_env['res.users'].browse(user.id) temp_user.generate_mfa_login_token(60 * 24 * 30) token = temp_user.mfa_login_token request.session.authenticate(request.db, user.login, token, user.id) request.params['login_success'] = True redirect = request.params.get('redirect') if not redirect: redirect = '/web' response = Response(http.redirect_with_hash(redirect)) if request.params.get('remember_device'): device = device_model_sudo.create({'user_id': user.id}) secret = config_model_sudo.get_param('database.secret') device_cookie = JsonSecureCookie({'device_id': device.id}, secret) cookie_lifetime = timedelta(days=30) cookie_exp = datetime.utcnow() + cookie_lifetime device_cookie = device_cookie.serialize(cookie_exp) cookie_key = 'trusted_devices_%d' % user.id sec_config = config_model_sudo.get_param('auth_totp.secure_cookie') security_flag = sec_config != '0' response.set_cookie( cookie_key, device_cookie, max_age=cookie_lifetime.total_seconds(), expires=cookie_exp, httponly=True, secure=security_flag, ) return response