# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. (support@serpentcs.com) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import api, fields, models, _ class MassObject(models.Model): _name = "mass.object" _description = "Mass Editing Object" name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, index=1) model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Model', required=True, help="Model is used for Selecting Fields. " "This is editable until Sidebar menu " "is not created.") field_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.model.fields', 'mass_field_rel', 'mass_id', 'field_id', 'Fields') ref_ir_act_window_id = fields.Many2one('ir.actions.act_window', 'Sidebar action', readonly=True, help="Sidebar action to make this " "template available on " "records of the related " "document model.") ref_ir_value_id = fields.Many2one('ir.values', 'Sidebar button', readonly=True, help="Sidebar button to open " "the sidebar action.") model_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.model', 'mass_model_rel', 'mass_id', 'model_id', 'Model List') _sql_constraints = [ ('name_uniq', 'unique (name)', _('Name must be unique!')), ] @api.onchange('model_id') def _onchange_model_id(self): self.field_ids = [(6, 0, [])] model_ids = [] if self.model_id: model_obj = self.env['ir.model'] model_ids = [self.model_id.id] active_model_obj = self.env[self.model_id.model] if active_model_obj._inherits: keys = active_model_obj._inherits.keys() inherits_model_ids = model_obj.search([('model', 'in', keys)]) model_ids.extend((inherits_model_ids and inherits_model_ids.ids or [])) self.model_ids = [(6, 0, model_ids)] @api.multi def create_action(self): self.ensure_one() vals = {} action_obj = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'] src_obj = self.model_id.model button_name = _('Mass Editing (%s)') % self.name vals['ref_ir_act_window_id'] = action_obj.create({ 'name': button_name, 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'mass.editing.wizard', 'src_model': src_obj, 'view_type': 'form', 'context': "{'mass_editing_object' : %d}" % (self.id), 'view_mode': 'form,tree', 'target': 'new', 'auto_refresh': 1, }).id # We make sudo as any user with rights in this model should be able # to create the action, not only admin vals['ref_ir_value_id'] = self.env['ir.values'].sudo().create({ 'name': button_name, 'model': src_obj, 'key2': 'client_action_multi', 'value': "ir.actions.act_window," + str(vals['ref_ir_act_window_id']), }).id self.write(vals) return True @api.multi def unlink_action(self): # We make sudo as any user with rights in this model should be able # to delete the action, not only admin self.mapped('ref_ir_act_window_id').sudo().unlink() self.mapped('ref_ir_value_id').sudo().unlink() return True @api.multi def unlink(self): self.unlink_action() return super(MassObject, self).unlink() @api.multi @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id) def copy(self, default=None): if default is None: default = {} default.update({'name': _("%s (copy)" % self.name), 'field_ids': []}) return super(MassObject, self).copy(default)