# Copyright 2017 Jairo Llopis # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from odoo import api, models class Base(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = "base" @api.model def load(self, fields, data): """Try to identify rows by other pseudo-unique keys. It searches for rows that have no XMLID specified, and gives them one if any :attr:`~.field_ids` combination is found. With a valid XMLID in place, Odoo will understand that it must *update* the record instead of *creating* a new one. """ # We only need to patch this call if there are usable rules for it if self.env["base_import.match"]._usable_rules(self._name, fields): newdata = list() # Data conversion to ORM format import_fields = list( map(models.fix_import_export_id_paths, fields)) converted_data = self._convert_records( self._extract_records(import_fields, data)) # Mock Odoo to believe the user is importing the ID field if "id" not in fields: fields.append("id") import_fields.append(["id"]) # Needed to match with converted data field names clean_fields = [f[0] for f in import_fields] for dbid, xmlid, record, info in converted_data: row = dict(zip(clean_fields, data[info["record"]])) match = self if xmlid: # Skip rows with ID, they do not need all this row["id"] = xmlid continue elif dbid: # Find the xmlid for this dbid match = self.browse(dbid) else: # Store records that match a combination match = self.env["base_import.match"]._match_find( self, record, row) # Give a valid XMLID to this row if a match was found # To generate externals IDS. match.export_data(fields) ext_id = match.get_external_id() row["id"] = (ext_id[match.id] if match else row.get("id", u"")) # Store the modified row, in the same order as fields newdata.append(tuple(row[f] for f in clean_fields)) # We will import the patched data to get updates on matches data = newdata # Normal method handles the rest of the job return super(Base, self).load(fields, data)