# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015 GRAP - Sylvain LE GAL # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import json import logging from urllib2 import urlopen from openerp import api, fields, models GEOLOCALISATION_URL = u"http://ip-api.com/json/{}" _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ResAuthenticationAttempt(models.Model): _name = 'res.authentication.attempt' _order = 'create_date desc' login = fields.Char(string='Tried Login', index=True) remote = fields.Char(string='Remote IP', index=True) result = fields.Selection( string='Authentication Result', selection=[ ('successful', 'Successful'), ('failed', 'Failed'), ('banned', 'Banned'), ], index=True, ) remote_metadata = fields.Text( string="Remote IP metadata", compute='_compute_metadata', store=True, help="Metadata publicly available for remote IP", ) whitelisted = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_whitelisted", ) @api.multi @api.depends('remote') def _compute_metadata(self): for item in self: url = GEOLOCALISATION_URL.format(item.remote) try: res = json.loads(urlopen(url, timeout=5).read()) except Exception: _logger.warning( "Couldn't fetch details from %s", url, exc_info=True, ) else: item.remote_metadata = "\n".join( '%s: %s' % pair for pair in res.items()) @api.multi def _compute_whitelisted(self): whitelist = self._whitelist_remotes() for one in self: one.whitelisted = one.remote in whitelist @api.model def _hits_limit(self, limit, remote, login=None): """Know if a given remote hits a given limit. :param int limit: The maximum amount of failures allowed. :param str remote: The remote IP to search for. :param str login: If you want to check the IP+login combination limit, supply the login. """ domain = [ ("remote", "=", remote), ] if login is not None: domain += [("login", "=", login)] # Find last successful login last_ok = self.search( domain + [("result", "=", "successful")], order='create_date desc', limit=1, ) if last_ok: domain += [("create_date", ">", last_ok.create_date)] # Count failures since last success, if any recent_failures = self.search_count( domain + [("result", "!=", "successful")], ) # Did we hit the limit? return recent_failures >= limit @api.model def _trusted(self, remote, login): """Checks if any the remote or remote+login are trusted. :param str remote: Remote IP from which the login attempt is taking place. :param str login: User login that is being tried. :return bool: ``True`` means it is trusted. ``False`` means that it is banned. """ # Cannot ban without remote if not remote: return True get_param = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param # Whitelisted remotes always pass if remote in self._whitelist_remotes(): return True # Check if remote is banned limit = int(get_param("auth_brute_force.max_by_ip", 50)) if self._hits_limit(limit, remote): _logger.warning( "Authentication failed from remote '%s'. " "The remote has been banned. " "Login tried: %r.", remote, login, ) return False # Check if remote + login combination is banned limit = int(get_param("auth_brute_force.max_by_ip_user", 10)) if self._hits_limit(limit, remote, login): _logger.warning( "Authentication failed from remote '%s'. " "The remote and login combination has been banned. " "Login tried: %r.", remote, login, ) return False # If you get here, you are a good boy (for now) return True def _whitelist_remotes(self): """Get whitelisted remotes. :return set: Remote IPs that are whitelisted currently. """ whitelist = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param( "auth_brute_force.whitelist_remotes", "", ) return set(whitelist.split(",")) @api.multi def action_whitelist_add(self): """Add current remotes to whitelist.""" whitelist = self._whitelist_remotes() whitelist |= set(self.mapped("remote")) self.env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param( "auth_brute_force.whitelist_remotes", ",".join(whitelist), ) @api.multi def action_whitelist_remove(self): """Remove current remotes from whitelist.""" whitelist = self._whitelist_remotes() whitelist -= set(self.mapped("remote")) self.env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param( "auth_brute_force.whitelist_remotes", ",".join(whitelist), )