# Copyright 2011 Raphaƫl Valyi, Renato Lima, Guewen Baconnier, Sodexis # Copyright 2017 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com) # Mourad EL HADJ MIMOUNE # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import time from functools import wraps from odoo import api, fields, models, _ import logging from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def implemented_by_base_exception(func): """Call a prefixed function based on 'namespace'.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): fun_name = func.__name__ fun = '_%s%s' % (cls.rule_group, fun_name) if not hasattr(cls, fun): fun = '_default%s' % (fun_name) return getattr(cls, fun)(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class ExceptionRule(models.Model): _name = 'exception.rule' _description = "Exception Rules" _order = 'active desc, sequence asc' name = fields.Char('Exception Name', required=True, translate=True) description = fields.Text('Description', translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer( string='Sequence', help="Gives the sequence order when applying the test") rule_group = fields.Selection( selection=[], help="Rule group is used to group the rules that must validated " "at same time for a target object. Ex: " "validate sale.order.line rules with sale order rules.", required=True) model = fields.Selection( selection=[], string='Apply on', required=True) active = fields.Boolean('Active') next_state = fields.Char( 'Next state', help="If we detect exception we set the state of object (ex purchase) " "to the next_state (ex 'to approve'). If there are more than one " "exception detected and all have a value for next_state, we use" "the exception having the smallest sequence value") code = fields.Text( 'Python Code', help="Python code executed to check if the exception apply or " "not. Use failed = True to block the exception", default=""" # Python code. Use failed = True to block the base.exception. # You can use the following variables : # - self: ORM model of the record which is checked # - "rule_group" or "rule_group_"line: # browse_record of the base.exception or # base.exception line (ex rule_group = sale for sale order) # - object: same as order or line, browse_record of the base.exception or # base.exception line # - obj: same as object # - env: Odoo Environment (i.e. self.env) # - time: Python time module # - cr: database cursor # - uid: current user id # - context: current context """) @api.constrains('next_state') def _check_next_state_value(self): """ Ensure that the next_state value is in the state values of destination model """ for rule in self: if rule.next_state: select_vals = self.env[ rule.model].fields_get()[ 'state']['selection'] select_vals_code = [s[0] for s in select_vals] if rule.next_state not in select_vals_code: raise ValidationError( _('The value "%s" you choose for the "next state" ' 'field state of "%s" is wrong.' ' Value must be in this list %s') % (rule.next_state, rule.model, select_vals) ) class BaseException(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'base.exception' _order = 'main_exception_id asc' main_exception_id = fields.Many2one( 'exception.rule', compute='_compute_main_error', string='Main Exception', store=True) rule_group = fields.Selection( [], readonly=True, ) exception_ids = fields.Many2many( 'exception.rule', string='Exceptions') ignore_exception = fields.Boolean('Ignore Exceptions', copy=False) @api.depends('exception_ids', 'ignore_exception') def _compute_main_error(self): for obj in self: if not obj.ignore_exception and obj.exception_ids: obj.main_exception_id = obj.exception_ids[0] else: obj.main_exception_id = False @api.multi def _popup_exceptions(self): action = self._get_popup_action() action_data = action.read()[0] action_data.update({ 'context': { 'active_id': self.ids[0], 'active_ids': self.ids } }) return action_data @api.model def _get_popup_action(self): action = self.env.ref('base_exception.action_exception_rule_confirm') return action @api.multi def _check_exception(self): """ This method must be used in a constraint that must be created in the object that inherits for base.exception. for sale : @api.constrains('ignore_exception',) def sale_check_exception(self): ... ... self._check_exception """ exception_ids = self.detect_exceptions() if exception_ids: exceptions = self.env['exception.rule'].browse(exception_ids) raise ValidationError('\n'.join(exceptions.mapped('name'))) @api.multi def test_exceptions(self): """ Condition method for the workflow from draft to confirm """ if self.detect_exceptions(): return False return True @api.multi def detect_exceptions(self): """returns the list of exception_ids for all the considered base.exceptions """ if not self: return [] exception_obj = self.env['exception.rule'] all_exceptions = exception_obj.sudo().search( [('rule_group', '=', self[0].rule_group)]) model_exceptions = all_exceptions.filtered( lambda ex: ex.model == self._name) sub_exceptions = all_exceptions.filtered( lambda ex: ex.model != self._name) all_exception_ids = [] for obj in self: if obj.ignore_exception: continue exception_ids = obj._detect_exceptions( model_exceptions, sub_exceptions) obj.exception_ids = [(6, 0, exception_ids)] all_exception_ids += exception_ids return all_exception_ids @api.model def _exception_rule_eval_context(self, obj_name, rec): return {obj_name: rec, 'self': self.env[rec._name], 'object': rec, 'obj': rec, 'env': self.env, 'cr': self.env.cr, 'uid': self.env.uid, 'user': self.env.user, 'time': time, # copy context to prevent side-effects of eval 'context': self.env.context.copy()} @api.model def _rule_eval(self, rule, obj_name, rec): expr = rule.code space = self._exception_rule_eval_context(obj_name, rec) try: safe_eval(expr, space, mode='exec', nocopy=True) # nocopy allows to return 'result' except Exception as e: raise UserError( _('Error when evaluating the exception.rule ' 'rule:\n %s \n(%s)') % (rule.name, e)) return space.get('failed', False) @api.multi def _detect_exceptions(self, model_exceptions, sub_exceptions): self.ensure_one() exception_ids = [] next_state_rule = False for rule in model_exceptions: if self._rule_eval(rule, self.rule_group, self): exception_ids.append(rule.id) if rule.next_state: if not next_state_rule or\ rule.sequence < next_state_rule.sequence: next_state_rule = rule if sub_exceptions: for obj_line in self._get_lines(): for rule in sub_exceptions: if rule.id in exception_ids: # we do not matter if the exception as already been # found for an line of this object # (ex sale order line if obj is sale order) continue group_line = self.rule_group + '_line' if self._rule_eval(rule, group_line, obj_line): exception_ids.append(rule.id) # set object to next state if next_state_rule: self.state = next_state_rule.next_state return exception_ids @implemented_by_base_exception def _get_lines(self): pass def _default_get_lines(self): return []