# Copyright (C) 2019-Today: GRAP () # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import os from pygount import SourceAnalysis from pathlib import Path import logging from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from odoo.modules.module import get_module_path _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IrModuleModule(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.module.module' author_ids = fields.Many2many( string='Authors', comodel_name='ir.module.author', readonly=True, relation='ir_module_module_author_rel') module_type_id = fields.Many2one( string='Module Type', comodel_name='ir.module.type', readonly=True) python_code_qty = fields.Integer( string='Python Code Quantity', readonly=True) xml_code_qty = fields.Integer( string='XML Code Quantity', readonly=True) js_code_qty = fields.Integer( string='JS Code Quantity', readonly=True) css_code_qty = fields.Integer( string='CSS Code Quantity', readonly=True) # Overloadable Section @api.model def _get_analyse_settings(self): """Return a dictionnary of data analysed Overload this function if you want to analyse other data { 'extension': { 'data_to_analyse': 'field_name', }, }, [...] extension: extension of the file, with the '.' data_to_analyse : possible value : code, documentation, empty, string field_name: Odoo field name to store the analysis """ return { '.py': { 'code': 'python_code_qty', }, '.xml': { 'code': 'xml_code_qty', }, '.js': { 'code': 'js_code_qty', }, '.css': { 'code': 'css_code_qty', }, } @api.model def _get_clean_analyse_values(self): """List of fields to unset when a module is uninstalled""" return { 'author_ids': [6, 0, []], 'module_type_id': False, 'python_code_qty': False, 'xml_code_qty': 0, 'js_code_qty': 0, 'css_code_qty': 0, } @api.model def _get_module_encoding(self, file_ext): return 'utf-8' # Overload Section @api.model def update_list(self): res = super().update_list() if self.env.context.get('analyse_installed_modules', False): self.search([('state', '=', 'installed')]).button_analyse_code() return res @api.multi def write(self, vals): res = super().write(vals) if vals.get('state', False) == 'installed': self.button_analyse_code() elif vals.get('state', False) == 'uninstalled'\ and 'module_analysis' not in [x.name for x in self]: self.write(self._get_clean_analyse_values()) return res # Public Section @api.multi def button_analyse_code(self): IrModuleAuthor = self.env['ir.module.author'] IrModuleTypeRule = self.env['ir.module.type.rule'] rules = IrModuleTypeRule.search([]) cfg = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] val = cfg.get_param('module_analysis.exclude_directories', '') exclude_directories = [x.strip() for x in val.split(',') if x.strip()] val = cfg.get_param('module_analysis.exclude_files', '') exclude_files = [x.strip() for x in val.split(',') if x.strip()] for module in self: _logger.info("Analysing Code for module %s ..." % (module.name)) # Update Authors, based on manifest key authors = [] if module.author and module.author[0] == '[': author_txt_list = safe_eval(module.author) else: author_txt_list = module.author.split(',') author_txt_list = [x.strip() for x in author_txt_list] author_txt_list = [x for x in author_txt_list if x] for author_txt in author_txt_list: authors.append(IrModuleAuthor._get_or_create(author_txt)) author_ids = [x.id for x in authors] module.author_ids = author_ids # Update Module Type, based on rules module_type_id = rules._get_module_type_id_from_module(module) module.module_type_id = module_type_id # Get Path of module folder and parse the code module_path = get_module_path(module.name) # Get Files analysed_datas = self._get_analyse_data_dict() file_extensions = analysed_datas.keys() file_list = self._get_files_to_analyse( module_path, file_extensions, exclude_directories, exclude_files) for file_path, file_ext in file_list: file_res = SourceAnalysis.from_file( file_path, '', encoding=self._get_module_encoding(file_ext)) for k, v in analysed_datas.get(file_ext).items(): v['value'] += getattr(file_res, k) # Update the module with the datas values = {} for file_ext, analyses in analysed_datas.items(): for k, v in analyses.items(): values[v['field']] = v['value'] module.write(values) # Custom Section @api.model def _get_files_to_analyse( self, path, file_extensions, exclude_directories, exclude_files): res = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, followlinks=True): if set(Path(root).parts) & set(exclude_directories): continue for name in files: if name in exclude_files: continue filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(name) if file_extension in file_extensions: res.append((os.path.join(root, name), file_extension)) return res @api.model def _get_analyse_data_dict(self): res_dict = self._get_analyse_settings().copy() for file_ext, analyse_dict in res_dict.items(): for analyse_type, v in analyse_dict.items(): analyse_dict[analyse_type] = { 'field': v, 'value': 0 } return res_dict