# Copyright 2011 Raphaƫl Valyi, Renato Lima, Guewen Baconnier, Sodexis # Copyright 2017 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com) # Mourad EL HADJ MIMOUNE # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import time from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval from odoo import osv class ExceptionRule(models.Model): _name = 'exception.rule' _description = 'Exception Rule' _order = 'active desc, sequence asc' name = fields.Char('Exception Name', required=True, translate=True) description = fields.Text('Description', translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer( string='Sequence', help="Gives the sequence order when applying the test", ) model = fields.Selection(selection=[], string='Apply on', required=True) exception_type = fields.Selection( selection=[('by_domain', 'By domain'), ('by_py_code', 'By python code')], string='Exception Type', required=True, default='by_py_code', help="By python code: allow to define any arbitrary check\n" "By domain: limited to a selection by an odoo domain:\n" " performance can be better when exceptions " " are evaluated with several records") domain = fields.Char('Domain') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) code = fields.Text( 'Python Code', help="Python code executed to check if the exception apply or " "not. Use failed = True to block the exception", ) @api.constrains('exception_type', 'domain', 'code') def check_exception_type_consistency(self): for rule in self: if ((rule.exception_type == 'by_py_code' and not rule.code) or (rule.exception_type == 'by_domain' and not rule.domain)): raise ValidationError( _("There is a problem of configuration, python code or " "domain is missing to match the exception type.") ) @api.multi def _get_domain(self): """ override me to customize domains according exceptions cases """ self.ensure_one() return safe_eval(self.domain) class BaseExceptionMethod(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'base.exception.method' _description = 'Exception Rule Methods' @api.multi def _reverse_field(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _rule_domain(self): """Filter exception.rules. By default, only the rules with the correct model will be used. """ return [('model', '=', self._name)] @api.multi def detect_exceptions(self): """List all exception_ids applied on self Exception ids are also written on records If self is empty, check exceptions on all active records. """ rules = self.env['exception.rule'].sudo().search( self._rule_domain()) all_exception_ids = [] for rule in rules: records_with_exception = self._detect_exceptions(rule) reverse_field = self._reverse_field() if self: commons = self & rule[reverse_field] to_remove = commons - records_with_exception to_add = records_with_exception - commons to_remove_list = [(3, x.id, _) for x in to_remove] to_add_list = [(4, x.id, _) for x in to_add] rule.write({reverse_field: to_remove_list + to_add_list}) else: rule.write({ reverse_field: [(6, 0, records_with_exception.ids)] }) if records_with_exception: all_exception_ids.append(rule.id) return all_exception_ids @api.model def _exception_rule_eval_context(self, rec): return { 'time': time, 'self': rec, # object, obj: deprecated. # should be removed in future migrations 'object': rec, 'obj': rec, # copy context to prevent side-effects of eval # should be deprecated too, accesible through self. 'context': self.env.context.copy() } @api.model def _rule_eval(self, rule, rec): expr = rule.code space = self._exception_rule_eval_context(rec) try: safe_eval(expr, space, mode='exec', nocopy=True) # nocopy allows to return 'result' except Exception as e: raise UserError( _('Error when evaluating the exception.rule ' 'rule:\n %s \n(%s)') % (rule.name, e)) return space.get('failed', False) @api.multi def _detect_exceptions(self, rule): if rule.exception_type == 'by_py_code': return self._detect_exceptions_by_py_code(rule) elif rule.exception_type == 'by_domain': return self._detect_exceptions_by_domain(rule) @api.multi def _get_base_domain(self): domain = [('ignore_exception', '=', False)] if self: domain = osv.expression.AND([domain, [('id', 'in', self.ids)]]) return domain @api.multi def _detect_exceptions_by_py_code(self, rule): """ Find exceptions found on self. If self is empty, check on all records. """ domain = self._get_base_domain() records = self.search(domain) records_with_exception = self.env[self._name] for record in records: if self._rule_eval(rule, record): records_with_exception |= record return records_with_exception @api.multi def _detect_exceptions_by_domain(self, rule): """ Find exceptions found on self. If self is empty, check on all records. """ base_domain = self._get_base_domain() rule_domain = rule._get_domain() domain = osv.expression.AND([base_domain, rule_domain]) return self.search(domain) class BaseException(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = 'base.exception.method' _name = 'base.exception' _order = 'main_exception_id asc' _description = 'Exception' main_exception_id = fields.Many2one( 'exception.rule', compute='_compute_main_error', string='Main Exception', store=True, ) exception_ids = fields.Many2many('exception.rule', string='Exceptions') ignore_exception = fields.Boolean('Ignore Exceptions', copy=False) @api.depends('exception_ids', 'ignore_exception') def _compute_main_error(self): for rec in self: if not rec.ignore_exception and rec.exception_ids: rec.main_exception_id = rec.exception_ids[0] else: rec.main_exception_id = False @api.multi def _popup_exceptions(self): action = self._get_popup_action().read()[0] action.update({ 'context': { 'active_id': self.ids[0], 'active_ids': self.ids, 'active_model': self._name, } }) return action @api.model def _get_popup_action(self): return self.env.ref('base_exception.action_exception_rule_confirm') @api.multi def _check_exception(self): """ This method must be used in a constraint that must be created in the object that inherits for base.exception. for sale : @api.constrains('ignore_exception',) def sale_check_exception(self): ... ... self._check_exception """ exception_ids = self.detect_exceptions() if exception_ids: exceptions = self.env['exception.rule'].browse(exception_ids) raise ValidationError('\n'.join(exceptions.mapped('name')))