# Copyright 2015-2016 Yannick Vaucher (Camptocamp SA) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, models _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RecordLifespan(models.Model): """Configure records lifespans per model. After the lifespan is expired (compared to the `write_date` of the records), the records are deactivated. """ _name = 'record.lifespan' _order = 'model_name' model_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.model', string='Model', required=True, domain=[('has_an_active_field', '=', True)], ) model_name = fields.Char( related='model_id.model', readonly=True, string='Model Name', ) months = fields.Integer( required=True, help="Number of month after which the records will be set to inactive" " based on their write date", ) archive_states = fields.Char( help="Comma-separated list of states in which records should be" " archived. Implicit value is `'done, cancel')`.", ) _sql_constraints = [ ('months_gt_0', 'check (months > 0)', "Months must be a value greater than 0"), ] @api.constrains('archive_states') def _check_archive_states(self): for lifespan in self: if not lifespan.archive_states: continue model = self.env[lifespan.model_id.model] state_field = model.fields_get().get('state', {}) if not state_field: continue allowed_states \ = [x[0] for x in state_field.get('selection', [('')])] if not all(archive_state in allowed_states for archive_state in lifespan._get_archive_states()): raise exceptions.ValidationError(_( 'Invalid set of states for "%s" model:\n' '%s\n' 'Valid states:\n%s' ) % ( lifespan.model_id.name, lifespan.archive_states, '\n'.join('- {}'.format(s) for s in allowed_states), )) @api.model def _scheduler_archive_records(self): lifespans = self.search([]) _logger.info('Records archiver starts archiving records') for lifespan in lifespans: try: lifespan.archive_records() except exceptions.UserError as e: _logger.error("Archiver error:\n%s", e[1]) _logger.info('Rusty Records now rest in peace') return True @api.multi def _get_archive_states(self): self.ensure_one() if not self.archive_states: return ['done', 'cancel'] return [s.strip() for s in self.archive_states.split(',')] @api.multi def _archive_domain(self, expiration_date): """Returns the domain used to find the records to archive. Can be inherited to change the archived records for a model. """ self.ensure_one() model = self.env[self.model_id.model] domain = [('write_date', '<', expiration_date)] if 'state' in model.fields_get_keys(): domain += [('state', 'in', self._get_archive_states())] return domain @api.multi def _archive_lifespan_records(self): """Archive the records for a lifespan, so for a model. Can be inherited to customize the archive strategy. The default strategy is to change the field ``active`` to False on the records having a ``write_date`` older than the lifespan. Only done and canceled records will be deactivated. """ self.ensure_one() today = datetime.today() model_name = self.model_id.model model = self.env[model_name] if not isinstance(model, models.Model): raise exceptions.UserError( _('Model %s not found') % model_name) if 'active' not in model.fields_get_keys(): raise exceptions.UserError( _('Model %s has no active field') % model_name) delta = relativedelta(months=self.months) expiration_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(today - delta) domain = self._archive_domain(expiration_date) recs = model.search(domain) if not recs: return recs.with_context(tracking_disable=True).toggle_active() _logger.info( 'Archived %s %s older than %s', len(recs.ids), model_name, expiration_date) @api.multi def archive_records(self): """Call the archiver for several record lifespans.""" for lifespan in self: lifespan._archive_lifespan_records() return True