# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 GRAP (http://www.grap.coop) # @author Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain) # License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html import datetime from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, _, api, exceptions, models from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval class ResUsers(models.Model): _inherit = "res.users" @api.model def _send_email_passkey(self, user_id): """ Send a email to the admin of the system and / or the user to inform passkey use.""" mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo() icp_obj = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] admin_user = self.browse(SUPERUSER_ID) login_user = self.browse(user_id) send_to_admin = safe_eval( icp_obj.get_param('auth_admin_passkey.send_to_admin') ) send_to_user = safe_eval( icp_obj.get_param('auth_admin_passkey.send_to_user') ) mails = [] if send_to_admin and admin_user.email: mails.append({'email': admin_user.email, 'lang': admin_user.lang}) if send_to_user and login_user.email: mails.append({'email': login_user.email, 'lang': login_user.lang}) for mail in mails: subject = _('Passkey used') body = _( "Admin user used his passkey to login with '%s'.\n\n" "\n\nTechnicals informations belows : \n\n" "- Login date : %s\n\n" ) % (login_user.login, datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) mail_obj.create({ 'email_to': mail['email'], 'subject': subject, 'body_html': '<pre>%s</pre>' % body }) @api.model def _send_email_same_password(self, login): """ Send an email to the admin user to inform that another user has the same password as him.""" mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo() admin_user = self.sudo().browse(SUPERUSER_ID) if admin_user.email: mail_obj.create({ 'email_to': admin_user.email, 'subject': _('[WARNING] Odoo Security Risk'), 'body_html': _("<pre>User with login '%s' has the same " "password as you.</pre>") % (login), }) @api.model def check_credentials(self, password): """ Despite using @api.model decorator, this method is always called by a res.users record""" try: super(ResUsers, self).check_credentials(password) # If credentials are ok, try to log with user password as admin # user and send email if they are equal if self._uid != SUPERUSER_ID: try: super(ResUsers, self).sudo().check_credentials(password) self._send_email_same_password(self.login) except exceptions.AccessDenied: pass except exceptions.AccessDenied: if self._uid == SUPERUSER_ID: raise # Just be sure that parent methods aren't wrong user = self.sudo().search([('id', '=', self._uid)]) if not user: raise # Our user isn't using its own password, check if its admin one try: super(ResUsers, self).sudo().check_credentials(password) self._send_email_passkey(self._uid) except exceptions.AccessDenied: raise