# Copyright 2016 Jairo Llopis # Copyright 2017 Pedro M. Baeza # License LGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError class CustomInfoProperty(models.Model): """Name of the custom information property.""" _description = "Custom information property" _name = "custom.info.property" _order = "template_id, category_sequence, category_id, sequence, id" _sql_constraints = [ ("name_template", "UNIQUE (name, template_id)", "Another property with that name exists for that template."), ] name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer(index=True) category_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="custom.info.category", string="Category", ) category_sequence = fields.Integer( string="Category Sequence", related="category_id.sequence", store=True, readonly=True, ) template_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='custom.info.template', string='Template', required=True, ondelete="cascade", ) model = fields.Char( related="template_id.model", readonly=True, auto_join=True, ) info_value_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="custom.info.value", inverse_name="property_id", string="Property Values") default_value = fields.Char( translate=True, help="Will be applied by default to all custom values of this " "property. This is a char field, so you have to enter some value " "that can be converted to the field type you choose.", ) required = fields.Boolean() minimum = fields.Float( help="For numeric fields, it means the minimum possible value; " "for text fields, it means the minimum possible length. " "If it is bigger than the maximum, then this check is skipped", ) maximum = fields.Float( default=-1, help="For numeric fields, it means the maximum possible value; " "for text fields, it means the maximum possible length. " "If it is smaller than the minimum, then this check is skipped", ) field_type = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("str", "Text"), ("int", "Whole number"), ("float", "Decimal number"), ("bool", "Yes/No"), ("date", "Date"), ("id", "Selection"), ], compute="_compute_field_type", store=True, ) widget = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("boolean", "Boolean"), ("float", "Decimal"), ("integer", "Integer"), ("date", "Date"), ("char", "Single line text"), ("text", "Multi line Text"), ("html", "Complex text"), ("many2one", "Choice"), ], default="char", required=True, help="Type of information that can be stored in the property.", ) option_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="custom.info.option", string="Options", help="When the field type is 'selection', choose the available " "options here.", ) @api.model def _get_field_type_map(self): return { "boolean": "bool", "float": "float", "integer": "int", "date": "date", "char": "str", "text": "str", "html": "str", "many2one": "id", } @api.depends('widget') def _compute_field_type(self): field_type_map = self._get_field_type_map() for record in self: record.field_type = field_type_map.get(record.widget, 'str') @api.multi def check_access_rule(self, operation): """You access a property if you access its template.""" self.mapped("template_id").check_access_rule(operation) return super().check_access_rule(operation) def _check_default_value_one(self): if self.default_value: try: self.env["custom.info.value"]._transform_value( self.default_value, self.field_type, self) except ValueError: selection = dict( self._fields["field_type"].get_description(self.env) ["selection"]) raise ValidationError( _("Default value %s cannot be converted to type %s.") % (self.default_value, selection[self.field_type])) @api.constrains("default_value", "field_type") def _check_default_value(self): """Ensure the default value is valid.""" for rec in self: rec._check_default_value_one() @api.multi @api.onchange("required", "field_type") def _onchange_required_warn(self): """Warn if the required flag implies a possible weird behavior.""" if self.required: if self.field_type == "bool": raise UserError( _("If you require a Yes/No field, you can only set Yes.")) if self.field_type in {"int", "float"}: raise UserError( _("If you require a numeric field, you cannot set it to " "zero."))