To manage all stored images, you need to: * Go to *Settings > Technical > Multi images*. ... but you probably prefer to manage them from the forms supplied by submodules that inherit this behavior. Development =========== To develop a module based on this one: * See module ``product_multi_image`` as an example. * You have to inherit model ``base_multi_image.owner`` to the model that needs the gallery:: class MyOwner(models.Model): _name = "" _inherit = ["", "base_multi_image.owner"] # If you need this, you will need ``pre_init_hook_for_submodules`` and ``uninstall_hook_for_submodules`` as detailed below. old_image_field = fields.Binary(related="image_main", store=False) * Somewhere in the owner view, add:: * If the model you are extending already had an image field, and you want to trick Odoo to make those images to multi-image mode, you will need to make use of the provided `~.hooks.pre_init_hook_for_submodules` and `~.hooks.uninstall_hook_for_submodules`, like the ``product_multi_image`` module does:: try: from odoo.addons.base_multi_image.hooks import ( pre_init_hook_for_submodules, uninstall_hook_for_submodules, ) except ImportError: pass def pre_init_hook(cr): """Transform single into multi images.""" pre_init_hook_for_submodules(cr, "product.template", "image") pre_init_hook_for_submodules(cr, "product.product", "image_variant") def uninstall_hook(cr, registry): """Remove multi images for models that no longer use them.""" uninstall_hook_for_submodules(cr, registry, "product.template") uninstall_hook_for_submodules(cr, registry, "product.product") .. image:: :alt: Try me on Runbot :target: