# Copyright 2019 Ecosoft Co., Ltd (http://ecosoft.co.th/) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html) import re import uuid import csv import base64 import string import itertools import logging from datetime import datetime as dt from ast import literal_eval from dateutil.parser import parse from io import StringIO from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import xlrd except ImportError: _logger.debug('Cannot import "xlrd". Please make sure it is installed.') def adjust_cell_formula(value, k): """ Cell formula, i.e., if i=5, val=?(A11)+?(B12) -> val=A16+B17 """ if isinstance(value, str): for i in range(value.count('?(')): if value and '?(' in value and ')' in value: i = value.index('?(') j = value.index(')', i) val = value[i + 2:j] col, row = split_row_col(val) new_val = '%s%s' % (col, row+k) value = value.replace('?(%s)' % val, new_val) return value def get_field_aggregation(field): """ i..e, 'field@{sum}' """ if field and '@{' in field and '}' in field: i = field.index('@{') j = field.index('}', i) cond = field[i + 2:j] try: if cond or cond == '': return (field[:i], cond) except Exception: return (field.replace('@{%s}' % cond, ''), False) return (field, False) def get_field_condition(field): """ i..e, 'field${value > 0 and value or False}' """ if field and '${' in field and '}' in field: i = field.index('${') j = field.index('}', i) cond = field[i + 2:j] try: if cond or cond == '': return (field.replace('${%s}' % cond, ''), cond) except Exception: return (field, False) return (field, False) def get_field_style(field): """ Available styles - font = bold, bold_red - fill = red, blue, yellow, green, grey - align = left, center, right - number = true, false i.e., 'field#{font=bold;fill=red;align=center;style=number}' """ if field and '#{' in field and '}' in field: i = field.index('#{') j = field.index('}', i) cond = field[i + 2:j] try: if cond or cond == '': return (field.replace('#{%s}' % cond, ''), cond) except Exception: return (field, False) return (field, False) def get_field_style_cond(field): """ i..e, 'field#?object.partner_id and #{font=bold} or #{}?' """ if field and '#?' in field and '?' in field: i = field.index('#?') j = field.index('?', i+2) cond = field[i + 2:j] try: if cond or cond == '': return (field.replace('#?%s?' % cond, ''), cond) except Exception: return (field, False) return (field, False) def fill_cell_style(field, field_style, styles): field_styles = field_style.split(';') for f in field_styles: (key, value) = f.split('=') if key not in styles.keys(): raise ValidationError(_('Invalid style type %s' % key)) if value.lower() not in styles[key].keys(): raise ValidationError( _('Invalid value %s for style type %s' % (value, key))) cell_style = styles[key][value] if key == 'font': field.font = cell_style if key == 'fill': field.fill = cell_style if key == 'align': field.alignment = cell_style if key == 'style': if value == 'text': try: # In case value can't be encoded as utf, we do normal str() field.value = field.value.encode('utf-8') except Exception: field.value = str(field.value) field.number_format = cell_style def get_line_max(line_field): """ i.e., line_field = line_ids[100], max = 100 else 0 """ if line_field and '[' in line_field and ']' in line_field: i = line_field.index('[') j = line_field.index(']') max_str = line_field[i + 1:j] try: if len(max_str) > 0: return (line_field[:i], int(max_str)) else: return (line_field, False) except Exception: return (line_field, False) return (line_field, False) def get_groupby(line_field): """i.e., line_field = line_ids["a_id, b_id"], groupby = ["a_id", "b_id"]""" if line_field and '[' in line_field and ']' in line_field: i = line_field.index('[') j = line_field.index(']') groupby = literal_eval(line_field[i:j+1]) return groupby return False def split_row_col(pos): match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)", pos, re.I) if not match: raise ValidationError(_('Position %s is not valid') % pos) col, row = match.groups() return col, int(row) def openpyxl_get_sheet_by_name(book, name): """ Get sheet by name for openpyxl """ i = 0 for sheetname in book.sheetnames: if sheetname == name: return book.worksheets[i] i += 1 raise ValidationError(_("'%s' sheet not found") % (name,)) def xlrd_get_sheet_by_name(book, name): try: for idx in itertools.count(): sheet = book.sheet_by_index(idx) if sheet.name == name: return sheet except IndexError: raise ValidationError(_("'%s' sheet not found") % (name,)) def isfloat(input): try: float(input) return True except ValueError: return False def isinteger(input): try: int(input) return True except ValueError: return False def isdatetime(input): try: if len(input) == 10: dt.strptime(input, '%Y-%m-%d') elif len(input) == 19: dt.strptime(input, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: return False return True except ValueError: return False def str_to_number(input): if isinstance(input, str): if ' ' not in input: if isdatetime(input): return parse(input) elif isinteger(input): if not (len(input) > 1 and input[:1] == '0'): return int(input) elif isfloat(input): if not (input.find(".") > 2 and input[:1] == '0'): # 00.123 return float(input) return input def csv_from_excel(excel_content, delimiter, quote): decoded_data = base64.decodestring(excel_content) wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=decoded_data) sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) content = StringIO() quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL if not quote: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE if delimiter == " " and quoting == csv.QUOTE_NONE: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL wr = csv.writer(content, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=quoting) for rownum in range(sh.nrows): row = [] for x in sh.row_values(rownum): if quoting == csv.QUOTE_NONE and delimiter in x: raise ValidationError( _('Template with CSV Quoting = False, data must not ' 'contain the same char as delimiter -> "%s"') % delimiter) row.append(x) wr.writerow(row) content.seek(0) # Set index to 0, and start reading out_file = base64.b64encode(content.getvalue().encode('utf-8')) return out_file def pos2idx(pos): match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)", pos, re.I) if not match: raise ValidationError(_('Position %s is not valid') % (pos, )) col, row = match.groups() col_num = 0 for c in col: if c in string.ascii_letters: col_num = col_num * 26 + (ord(c.upper()) - ord('A')) + 1 return (int(row) - 1, col_num - 1) def _get_cell_value(cell, field_type=False): """ If Odoo's field type is known, convert to valid string for import, if not know, just get value as is """ value = False datemode = 0 # From book.datemode, but we fix it for simplicity if field_type in ['date', 'datetime']: ctype = xlrd.sheet.ctype_text.get(cell.ctype, 'unknown type') if ctype == 'number': time_tuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell.value, datemode) date = dt(*time_tuple) if field_type == 'date': value = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") elif field_type == 'datetime': value = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: value = cell.value elif field_type in ['integer', 'float']: value_str = str(cell.value).strip().replace(',', '') if len(value_str) == 0: value = '' elif value_str.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit(): # Is number if field_type == 'integer': value = int(float(value_str)) elif field_type == 'float': value = float(value_str) else: # Is string, no conversion value = value_str elif field_type in ['many2one']: # If number, change to string if isinstance(cell.value, (int, float, complex)): value = str(cell.value) else: value = cell.value else: # text, char value = cell.value # If string, cleanup if isinstance(value, str): if value[-2:] == '.0': value = value[:-2] # Except boolean, when no value, we should return as '' if field_type not in ['boolean']: if not value: value = '' return value def _add_column(column_name, column_value, file_txt): i = 0 txt_lines = [] for line in file_txt.split('\n'): if line and i == 0: line = '"' + str(column_name) + '",' + line elif line: line = '"' + str(column_value) + '",' + line txt_lines.append(line) i += 1 file_txt = '\n'.join(txt_lines) return file_txt def _add_id_column(file_txt): i = 0 txt_lines = [] for line in file_txt.split('\n'): if line and i == 0: line = '"id",' + line elif line: line = '%s.%s' % ('xls', uuid.uuid4()) + ',' + line txt_lines.append(line) i += 1 file_txt = '\n'.join(txt_lines) return file_txt