# coding: utf-8 # @ 2015 Florian DA COSTA @ Akretion # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from base64 import b64decode import hashlib import logging import odoo from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IrAttachmentMetadata(models.Model): _name = 'ir.attachment.metadata' _inherits = {'ir.attachment': 'attachment_id'} _inherit = ['mail.thread'] internal_hash = fields.Char( store=True, compute='_compute_hash', help="File hash computed with file data to be compared " "to external hash when provided.") external_hash = fields.Char( help="File hash comes from the external owner of the file.\n" "If provided allow to check than downloaded file " "is the exact copy of the original file.") attachment_id = fields.Many2one( 'ir.attachment', required=True, ondelete='cascade', help="Link to ir.attachment model ") file_type = fields.Selection( selection=[], string="File type", help="The file type determines an import method to be used " "to parse and transform data before their import in ERP or an export") sync_date = fields.Datetime() state = fields.Selection([ ('pending', 'Pending'), ('failed', 'Failed'), ('done', 'Done'), ], readonly=False, required=True, default='pending') state_message = fields.Text() @api.depends('datas', 'external_hash') def _compute_hash(self): for attachment in self: if attachment.datas: attachment.internal_hash = hashlib.md5( b64decode(attachment.datas)).hexdigest() if attachment.external_hash and\ attachment.internal_hash != attachment.external_hash: raise UserError( _("File corrupted: Something was wrong with " "the retrieved file, please relaunch the task.")) @api.model def run_attachment_metadata_scheduler(self, domain=None): if domain is None: domain = [('state', '=', 'pending')] attachments = self.search(domain) if attachments: return attachments.run() return True @api.multi def run(self): """ Run the process for each attachment metadata """ for attachment in self: with api.Environment.manage(): with odoo.registry(self.env.cr.dbname).cursor() as new_cr: new_env = api.Environment( new_cr, self.env.uid, self.env.context) attach = attachment.with_env(new_env) try: attach._run() except Exception, e: attach.env.cr.rollback() _logger.exception(e) attach.write( { 'state': 'failed', 'state_message': e, }) attach.env.cr.commit() else: vals = { 'state': 'done', 'sync_date': fields.Datetime.now(), } attach.write(vals) attach.env.cr.commit() return True @api.multi def _run(self): self.ensure_one() _logger.info('Start to process attachment metadata id %s' % self.id) @api.multi def set_done(self): """ Manually set to done """ message = "Manually set to done by %s" % self.env.user.name self.write({'state_message': message, 'state': 'done'})