# Copyright 2016-2017 Versada # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import os.path import urllib.parse from .processor import SanitizePasswordsProcessor from .generalutils import get_environ from sentry_sdk._compat import text_type from werkzeug import datastructures def get_request_info(request): """ Returns context data extracted from :param:`request`. Heavily based on flask integration for Sentry: https://git.io/vP4i9. """ urlparts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(request.url) return { 'url': '%s://%s%s' % (urlparts.scheme, urlparts.netloc, urlparts.path), 'query_string': urlparts.query, 'method': request.method, 'headers': dict(datastructures.EnvironHeaders(request.environ)), 'env': dict(get_environ(request.environ)), } def get_extra_context(request): """ Extracts additional context from the current request (if such is set). """ try: session = getattr(request, 'session', {}) except RuntimeError: ctx = {} else: ctx = { 'tags': { 'database': session.get('db', None), }, 'user': { 'email': session.get('login', None), 'id': session.get('uid', None), }, 'extra': { 'context': session.get('context', {}), }, } if request.httprequest: ctx.update({ 'request': get_request_info(request.httprequest), }) return ctx class SanitizeOdooCookiesProcessor(SanitizePasswordsProcessor): """ Custom :class:`raven.processors.Processor`. Allows to sanitize sensitive Odoo cookies, namely the "session_id" cookie. """ KEYS = frozenset([ 'session_id', ]) class InvalidGitRepository(Exception): pass def fetch_git_sha(path, head=None): """ >>> fetch_git_sha(os.path.dirname(__file__)) Taken from https://git.io/JITmC """ if not head: head_path = os.path.join(path, '.git', 'HEAD') if not os.path.exists(head_path): raise InvalidGitRepository( 'Cannot identify HEAD for git repository at %s' % (path,)) with open(head_path, 'r') as fp: head = text_type(fp.read()).strip() if head.startswith('ref: '): head = head[5:] revision_file = os.path.join( path, '.git', *head.split('/') ) else: return head else: revision_file = os.path.join(path, '.git', 'refs', 'heads', head) if not os.path.exists(revision_file): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.git')): raise InvalidGitRepository( '%s does not seem to be the root of a git repository' % (path,)) # Check for our .git/packed-refs' file since a `git gc` may have run # https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Maintenance-and-Data-Recovery packed_file = os.path.join(path, '.git', 'packed-refs') if os.path.exists(packed_file): with open(packed_file) as fh: for line in fh: line = line.rstrip() if line and line[:1] not in ('#', '^'): try: revision, ref = line.split(' ', 1) except ValueError: continue if ref == head: return text_type(revision) raise InvalidGitRepository( 'Unable to find ref to head "%s" in repository' % (head,)) with open(revision_file) as fh: return text_type(fh.read()).strip()