This module allows painless `Sentry `__ integration with Odoo. ============================= ==================================================================== ========================================================== Option Description Default ============================= ==================================================================== ========================================================== ``sentry_dsn`` Sentry *Data Source Name*. You can find this value in your Sentry ``''`` project configuration. Typically it looks something like this: ** This is the only required option in order to use the module. ``sentry_enabled`` Whether or not Sentry logging is enabled. ``False`` ``sentry_logging_level`` The minimal logging level for which to send reports to Sentry. ``warn`` Possible values: *notset*, *debug*, *info*, *warn*, *error*, *critical*. It is recommended to have this set to at least *warn*, to avoid spamming yourself with Sentry events. ``sentry_exclude_loggers`` A string of comma-separated logger names which should be excluded ``werkzeug`` from Sentry. ``sentry_ignored_exceptions`` A string of comma-separated exceptions which should be ignored. ``odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied, You can use a star symbol (*) at the end, to ignore all exceptions odoo.exceptions.AccessError, from a module, eg.: *odoo.exceptions.**. odoo.exceptions.DeferredException, odoo.exceptions.MissingError, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning, odoo.exceptions.UserError, odoo.exceptions.ValidationError, odoo.exceptions.Warning, odoo.exceptions.except_orm`` ``sentry_include_context`` If enabled, additional context data will be extracted from current ``True`` HTTP request and user session (if available). This has no effect for Cron jobs, as no request/session is available inside a Cron job. ``sentry_release`` Explicitly define a version to be sent as the release version to Sentry. Useful in conjuntion with Sentry's "Resolve in the next release"-functionality. Also useful if your production deployment does not include any Git context from which a commit might be read. Overrides *sentry_odoo_dir*. ``sentry_odoo_dir`` Absolute path to your Odoo installation directory. This is optional and will only be used to extract the Odoo Git commit, which will be sent to Sentry, to allow to distinguish between Odoo updates. Overridden by *sentry_release* ============================= ==================================================================== ========================================================== Other `client arguments `_ can be configured by prepending the argument name with *sentry_* in your Odoo config file. Currently supported additional client arguments are: ``with_locals, max_breadcrumbs, release, environment, server_name, shutdown_timeout, in_app_include, in_app_exclude, default_integrations, dist, sample_rate, send_default_pii, http_proxy, https_proxy, request_bodies, debug, attach_stacktrace, ca_certs, propagate_traces, traces_sample_rate, auto_enabling_integrations``. Example Odoo configuration -------------------------- Below is an example of Odoo configuration file with *Odoo Sentry* options:: [options] sentry_dsn = sentry_enabled = true sentry_logging_level = warn sentry_exclude_loggers = werkzeug sentry_ignore_exceptions = odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied, odoo.exceptions.AccessError,odoo.exceptions.MissingError, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning,odoo.exceptions.UserError, odoo.exceptions.ValidationError,odoo.exceptions.Warning, odoo.exceptions.except_orm sentry_include_context = true sentry_environment = production sentry_release = 1.3.2 sentry_odoo_dir = /home/odoo/odoo/