Scheduler Error ${object.user_id.user_email or ''} ${object.user_id.user_email or ''} Scheduler '${ or ''}' FAILED

OpenERP tried to run the scheduler ${ or ''} but it failed. Here is the error message :

${ctx.get('job_exception') and ctx.get('job_exception').value or 'Failed to get the error message from the context.'}

You may check the logs of the OpenERP server to get more information about this failure.

Properties of the scheduler ${ or ''} :

  • Model : ${object.model or ''}
  • Method : ${object.function or ''}
  • Arguments : ${object.args or ''}
  • Interval : ${object.interval_number or '0'} ${object.interval_type or ''}
  • Number of calls : ${object.numbercall or '0'}
  • Repeat missed : ${object.doall}
  • User : ${ or ''}

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