# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError from openerp.tests import common import logging class TestCreateDbsource(common.TransactionCase): """Test class for base_external_dbsource.""" def test_create_dbsource(self): """source creation should succeed.""" dbsource = self.env.ref('base_external_dbsource.demo_postgre') try: dbsource.connection_test() except UserError as e: logging.warning("Log = " + str(e)) self.assertTrue(u'Everything seems properly set up!' in str(e)) def test_create_dbsource_failed(self): """source creation without connection string should failed.""" dbsource = self.env.ref('base_external_dbsource.demo_postgre') # Connection without connection_string dbsource.conn_string = "" try: dbsource.connection_test() except UserError as e: logging.warning("Log = " + str(e)) self.assertTrue(u'Here is what we got instead:' in str(e)) def test_create_dbsource_without_connector_failed(self): """source creation with other connector should failed.""" dbsource = self.env.ref('base_external_dbsource.demo_postgre') # Connection to mysql try: dbsource.connector = "mysql" dbsource.connection_test() except ValueError as e: logging.warning("Log = " + str(e)) self.assertTrue(u'Wrong value for' in str(e)) # Connection to mysql try: dbsource.connector = "pyodbc" dbsource.connection_test() except ValueError as e: logging.warning("Log = " + str(e)) self.assertTrue(u'Wrong value for' in str(e)) # Connection to oracle try: dbsource.connector = "cx_Oracle" dbsource.connection_test() except ValueError as e: logging.warning("Log = " + str(e)) self.assertTrue(u'Wrong value for' in str(e))