# Copyright 2019 Therp BV # Copyright 2019-2020 initOS GmbH # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import os from operator import itemgetter from urllib.parse import quote_plus from odoo import api, fields, models, tools from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval import logging import vobject # pylint: disable=missing-import-error from ..controllers.main import PREFIX from ..radicale.collection import Collection, FileItem, Item logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DavCollection(models.Model): _name = "dav.collection" _description = "A collection accessible via WebDAV" name = fields.Char(required=True) rights = fields.Selection( [ ("owner_only", "Owner Only"), ("owner_write_only", "Owner Write Only"), ("authenticated", "Authenticated"), ], required=True, default="owner_only", ) dav_type = fields.Selection( [ ("calendar", "Calendar"), ("addressbook", "Addressbook"), ("files", "Files"), ], string="Type", required=True, default="calendar", ) tag = fields.Char(compute="_compute_tag") model_id = fields.Many2one( "ir.model", string="Model", required=True, ondelete="cascade", domain=[("transient", "=", False)], ) domain = fields.Char( required=True, default="[]", ) field_uuid = fields.Many2one("ir.model.fields") field_mapping_ids = fields.One2many( "dav.collection.field_mapping", "collection_id", string="Field mappings", ) url = fields.Char(compute="_compute_url") def _compute_tag(self): for this in self: if this.dav_type == "calendar": this.tag = "VCALENDAR" elif this.dav_type == "addressbook": this.tag = "VADDRESSBOOK" def _compute_url(self): base_url = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].get_param("web.base.url") for this in self: this.url = "%s%s/%s/%s" % ( base_url, PREFIX, self.env.user.login, this.id, ) @api.constrains("domain") def _check_domain(self): self._eval_domain() @api.model def _eval_context(self): return { "user": self.env.user, } @api.model def get_logger(self): return logger def _eval_domain(self): self.ensure_one() return list(safe_eval(self.domain, self._eval_context())) def eval(self): if not self: return self.env["unknown"] self.ensure_one() return self.env[self.model_id.model].search(self._eval_domain()) def get_record(self, components): self.ensure_one() collection_model = self.env[self.model_id.model] field_name = self.field_uuid.name or "id" domain = [(field_name, "=", components[-1])] + self._eval_domain() return collection_model.search(domain, limit=1) def from_vobject(self, item): self.ensure_one() result = {} if self.dav_type == "calendar": if item.name != "VCALENDAR": return None if not hasattr(item, "vevent"): return None item = item.vevent elif self.dav_type == "addressbook" and item.name != "VCARD": return None children = {c.name.lower(): c for c in item.getChildren()} for mapping in self.field_mapping_ids: name = mapping.name.lower() if name not in children: continue if name in children: value = mapping.from_vobject(children[name]) if value: result[mapping.field_id.name] = value return result def to_vobject(self, record): self.ensure_one() result = None vobj = None if self.dav_type == "calendar": result = vobject.iCalendar() vobj = result.add("vevent") if self.dav_type == "addressbook": result = vobject.vCard() vobj = result for mapping in self.field_mapping_ids: value = mapping.to_vobject(record) if value: vobj.add(mapping.name).value = value if "uid" not in vobj.contents: vobj.add("uid").value = "%s,%s" % (record._name, record.id) if "rev" not in vobj.contents and "write_date" in record._fields: vobj.add("rev").value = record.write_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%SZ") return result @api.model def _odoo_to_http_datetime(self, value): return value.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") @api.model def _split_path(self, path): return list(filter(None, os.path.normpath(path or "").strip("/").split("/"))) def dav_list(self, collection, path_components): self.ensure_one() if self.dav_type == "files": if len(path_components) == 3: collection_model = self.env[self.model_id.model] record = collection_model.browse( map( itemgetter(0), collection_model.name_search( path_components[2], operator="=", limit=1, ), ) ) return [ "/" + "/".join(path_components + [quote_plus(attachment.name)]) for attachment in self.env["ir.attachment"].search( [ ("type", "=", "binary"), ("res_model", "=", record._name), ("res_id", "=", record.id), ] ) ] elif len(path_components) == 2: return [ "/" + "/".join(path_components + [quote_plus(record.display_name)]) for record in self.eval() ] if len(path_components) > 2: return [] result = [] for record in self.eval(): if self.field_uuid: uuid = record[self.field_uuid.name] else: uuid = str(record.id) try: href = "/" + "/".join(path_components + [str(uuid)]) except: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() result.append(self.dav_get(collection, href)) return result def dav_delete(self, collection, components): self.ensure_one() if self.dav_type == "files": # TODO: Handle deletion of attachments pass else: self.get_record(components).unlink() def dav_upload(self, collection, href, item): self.ensure_one() components = self._split_path(href) collection_model = self.env[self.model_id.model] if self.dav_type == "files": # TODO: Handle upload of attachments return None data = self.from_vobject(item) record = self.get_record(components) if not record: if self.field_uuid: data[self.field_uuid.name] = components[-1] record = collection_model.create(data) uuid = components[-1] if self.field_uuid else record.id href = "%s/%s" % (href, uuid) else: record.write(data) return Item( collection=collection, vobject_item=self.to_vobject(record), href=href, last_modified=self._odoo_to_http_datetime(record.write_date), ) def dav_get(self, collection, href): self.ensure_one() components = self._split_path(href) collection_model = self.env[self.model_id.model] if self.dav_type == "files": if len(components) == 3: result = Collection(href) result.logger = self.logger return result if len(components) == 4: record = collection_model.browse( map( itemgetter(0), collection_model.name_search( components[2], operator="=", limit=1, ), ) ) attachment = self.env["ir.attachment"].search( [ ("type", "=", "binary"), ("res_model", "=", record._name), ("res_id", "=", record.id), ("name", "=", components[3]), ], limit=1, ) return FileItem( collection, item=attachment, href=href, last_modified=self._odoo_to_http_datetime(record.write_date), ) record = self.get_record(components) if not record: return None return Item( collection=collection, vobject_item=self.to_vobject(record), href=href, last_modified=self._odoo_to_http_datetime(record.write_date), )