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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
- !record {model: ir.model.access, id: access_res_authentication_attempt_all}:
model_id: model_res_authentication_attempt
name: Authentication Attempt All Users
perm_read: true
- !record {model: ir.model.access, id: access_res_banned_remote_all}:
model_id: model_res_banned_remote
name: Banned Remote All Users
perm_read: true
- !record {model: ir.model.access, id: access_res_authentication_attempt_manager}:
group_id: base.group_system
model_id: model_res_authentication_attempt
name: Authentication Attempt Manager
perm_create: true
perm_read: true
perm_write: true
perm_unlink: true
- !record {model: ir.model.access, id: access_res_banned_remote_manager}:
group_id: base.group_system
model_id: model_res_banned_remote
name: Banned Remote Manager
perm_create: true
perm_read: true
perm_write: true
perm_unlink: true