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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2015 Endika Iglesias
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import base64
import hashlib
import urllib2
from openerp import api, models
from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError
from import _
class ResUsers(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
def _get_gravatar_base64(self, email=''):
url = '{}?s=200'
_hash = hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest()
res = urllib2.urlopen(url.format(_hash))
raw_image =
return base64.encodestring(raw_image)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
raise UserError(_('Sorry Gravatar not found.'))
def get_gravatar_image(self):
for rec_id in self:
email = str( or ''
fail_example = self._get_gravatar_base64('fail@email.gravatar')
user_gravatar = self._get_gravatar_base64(email)
if fail_example != user_gravatar:
rec_id.write({'image': user_gravatar})
raise UserError(_(
"There is no Gravatar image for this email (%s)" % (
return True