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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2016-2017 Akretion (
# © 2016-2017 Camptocamp (
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from odoo import api, models
class Base(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'base'
def _get_new_values(self, record, on_change_result):
vals = on_change_result.get('value', {})
new_values = {}
for fieldname, value in vals.iteritems():
if fieldname not in record:
column = self._fields[fieldname]
if value and column.type == 'many2one':
value = value[0] # many2one are tuple (id, name)
new_values[fieldname] = value
return new_values
def play_onchanges(self, values, onchange_fields):
onchange_specs = self._onchange_spec()
# we need all fields in the dict even the empty ones
# otherwise 'onchange()' will not apply changes to them
all_values = values.copy()
# If self is a record (play onchange on existing record)
# we take the value of the field
# If self is an empty record we will have an empty value
if self:
record_values = self._convert_to_write([0])
record_values = {}
for field in self._fields:
if field not in all_values:
all_values[field] = record_values.get(field, False)
new_values = {}
for field in onchange_fields:
onchange_values = self.onchange(all_values, field, onchange_specs)
new_values.update(self._get_new_values(values, onchange_values))
return {
f: v for f, v in all_values.iteritems()
if not (self._fields[f].compute and not self._fields[f].inverse)
and (f in values or f in new_values)}